Pickens-Queen Teacher Award

Made possible with a gift from Glenn and Carol Queen and Ethel Pickens, the Pickens-Queen Teacher Award is awarded annually to recognize the importance of teaching at Marshall University and to provide encouragement and incentive for teaching achievement by newer faculty members. The $1000 award is presented to three junior faculty members.


Nominees must:

  • be in a fulltime tenure-track appointment in a unit that reports to Academic Affairs;
  • have at least one year fulltime, tenure-track teaching experience at Marshall and no more than five years of credited fulltime teaching experience. (For the purposes of this award, “credited fulltime teaching experience” refers to the total years of experience that Academic Affairs counts as part of a faculty member’s tenured or tenure-track appointment at Marshall University.)


Nomination Form

  • Members of the faculty, staff,  administration, or student body are invited to make a nomination by completing the online form. Self-nominations will not be accepted. 
  • Nominations deadline: September 27, 2024

Please Note: A faculty member can receive any given teaching award only once in his or her service at Marshall University. Previous recipients of the Pickens Queen Teacher Award are listed here: http://www.marshall.edu/ctl/?page_id=1577.

Submission Materials

Candidates who accept the nomination will submit documentation of their achievements by October 16, 2024. Required documents include:

  • A current vita
  • A sample assignment from any course taught by the candidate at Marshall University
  • Sample syllabi for two different courses taught by the candidate at Marshall University
  • A teaching questionnaire
  • A supervisor’s recommendation form
  • One letter of support from a colleague familiar with the candidate’s teaching

In addition, course evaluation summary sheets for up to three years prior will be solicited directly from Institutional Research.

Evaluation Process

Selection of three junior-level faculty members to receive the Pickens Queen Teacher Award is a two-level process.

  1. The first level of screening is based on the committee’s evaluation of the submitted materials listed above. Finalists will be selected and notified by December 2024.
  2. The Selection Committee will observe the classroom teaching of each finalist during Spring 2025. Winners will be notified in early April 2025 and will be recognized at the Spring General Faculty Meeting.

Please direct questions to:

Dr. April Fugett
Executive Director
Center for Teaching and Learning
Old Main 109