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Digital Humanities Across the Colleges (2018-2019)

Apply for this Faculty Learning Community at

Facilitators: Dr. Allison Carey, COLA/English Department & Dr. Kristen Lillvis, COLA/English Department

The mission statements of Marshall University’s Colleges emphasize an interdisciplinary, intercultural, and/or interactive curriculum. With digital technologies permeating the personal and academic lives of our students and ourselves, faculty members have been exploring how digital technologies can help us promote connectivity in our pedagogy. As more of us ask our students to create digital texts, study texts that were “born” digital, and use digital tools to analyze texts, let’s investigate what a digital humanities (DH) pedagogy looks like across the colleges at Marshall. How and why might we incorporate DH in our classes?

Members of this FLC will review digital humanities scholarship to explore the options for digital humanities teaching and research at Marshall, experiment with digital humanities pedagogy, and disseminate the results of the FLC’s individual and collaborative work. FLCs meet 6-8 times over the course of the academic year for an hour and a half during each meeting.

Your participation will contribute to the achievement of the following outcomes and benefits:

  • Presenting at the 2019 iPED Teaching Conference;
  • Co-authoring publications;
  • Creating an online resource library for all Marshall University faculty and administrators;
  • Modifying our teaching practices; and
  • Developing mid- and long-term plans for continuing our work.