Definitions and Disclaimers

Course Designations and Definitions

  • “Online course” refers to any distance education course in which 100% of the course content is delivered asynchronously. There are no synchronous, face-to-face, or on-site attendance requirements. Online courses are designated as such in the schedule of courses. Designation: Online Course (OC).
  • “Hybrid course” refers to any distance education course in which a portion of the course is delivered synchronously with scheduled and required online, face-to-face, or on-site attendance requirements; the remainder of the course is delivered asynchronously.

Distance Learning Requirements

All students enrolled in distance learning courses must have access to equipment (desktop or laptop computer, Internet, a webcam, and mic) that meets minimum technology specifications. Consult the IT Service Desk site for Recommended Hardware. Student IDs will be obtained online via webcam; instructions will be sent to each student’s official MU email account upon admission to a distance learning program. Additional student resources, including technology recommendations, are also available on the Student Resources webpage.

Current Students

If you are changing to a Distance Program, you may request an update of your current designation by completing a Request for Change in Online/On-Campus Student Enrollment Status Designation Form. To be considered for the current semester and allow time for processing, the request should be submitted before the last day of the fall/spring late registration/schedule adjustment (add-drop) period according to the academic calendar. If received after this time, the request will be considered for the following semester. The form is reviewed and approved by the Registrar’s Office and Marshall Online. 

Prospective Students

Distance Students in these programs are not expected to have a campus or classroom presence during their academic careers and are afforded a distance tuition rate in lieu of regular tuition and fees. The special distance tuition rate is set with the understanding that students have needs and interests different from those students paying regular tuition and fees. Specifically,

  • For the purposes of this procedure, a Distance Student is a student who has the “E” campus code in Banner. A student who is not a Distance Student is in regular enrollment status.
  • Distance Students pay a specially established distance tuition rate each term in lieu of regular tuition and fees. This rate is listed as the “Undergraduate Distance Program and Delivery” fee or the “Graduate Distance Program and Delivery” fee in the schedule of A Distance Student may be enrolled only in programs that have been approved for the distance tuition rate by Marshall Online.
  • Distance Students are prohibited from registering for and attending traditional face-to-face classes. Exceptions to this include courses in which the student participates only via an electronic link (video and/or audio) and graduate courses for staff development offered through the College of Education and Professional
  • Distance Students who register for traditional face-to-face classes may have that registration removed from their student schedule.
  • Distance Students who change to a different program of study may be reclassified to regular tuition status if the new program is not a distance program.
  • A student enrolled in a designated distance program may choose to change to regular enrollment status (resident, metro, non-resident, or international). When this change occurs, the student’s campus code will be changed to “Huntington” or “South Charleston” in Banner. This change will result in a change intuition assessment from the distance tuition rate to the appropriate tuition rate based on the student’s status and residency.
  • Marshall Online will maintain a process to allow students to request a change between Distance Student status and regular enrollment status. Each change must be approved by the Assistant Provost for Online Education and Certification.
  • Distance students may hold a graduate assistantship position if they would otherwise be eligible for the
  • For graduate assistantship positions that provide a fixed dollar amount of tuition benefit, the student’s distance tuition rate will be reduced by that fixed amount, following regular financial aid
  • For graduate assistantship positions that specify a percentage of tuition as a tuition benefit, the distance tuition rate will be reduced by that percentage, following regular financial aid procedures.

Marshall University Employees

Marshall University provides tuition benefits to regular employees and their dependent children. Regular employees who have completed their initial probationary period are eligible to apply for tuition waivers and financial assistance. Employees may be permitted to enroll for classes during regularly scheduled work hours. Certain conditions apply. Please see Marshall University Human Resources – Education Benefits for Employees and Dependents for more information about tuition benefits for E-Campus programs. 

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