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Dr. Kimberly McFall:

Program Standards

ALA/AASL/CAEP (American Association School Librarian) Preparation Standards (2019)

Candidates in school librarian preparation programs are effective educators who demonstrate an awareness of learners’ development. Candidates promote cultural competence and respect for inclusiveness. Candidates integrate the National School Library Standards considering learner development, diversity, and differences while fostering a positive learning environment. Candidates impact student learning so that all learners are prepared for college, career, and life.

1.1 Learner Development
1.2 Learner Diversity
1.3 Learning Differences
1.4 Learning Environments
Candidates in school librarian preparation programs collaborate with the learning community to strategically plan, deliver, and assess instruction. Candidates design culturally responsive learning experiences using a variety of instructional strategies and assessments that measure ALA/AASL/CAEP School Librarian Preparation Standards (2019) – 9 the impact on student learning. Candidates guide learners to reflect on their learning growth and their ethical use of information. Candidates use data and information to reflect on and revise the effectiveness of their instruction.

2.1 Planning for Instruction
2.2 Instructional Strategies
2.3 Integrating Ethical Use of Information into Instructional Practice.
2.4 Assessment
Candidates in school librarian preparation programs are knowledgeable in literature, digital and information literacies, and current instructional technologies. Candidates use their pedagogical skills to actively engage learners in the critical-thinking and inquiry process. Candidates use a variety of strategies to foster the development of ethical digital citizens and motivated readers.

3.1 Reading Engagement.
3.2 Information Literacy.
3.3 Technology-Enabled Learning.

Candidates in school librarian preparation programs model, facilitate, and advocate for equitable access to and the ethical use of resources in a variety of formats. Candidates demonstrate their ability to develop, curate, organize, and manage a collection of resources to assert their commitment to the diverse needs and interests of the global society. Candidates make effective use of data and other forms of evidence to evaluate and inform decisions about library policies, resources, and services.

4.1 Access
4.2 Information Resources
4.3 Evidence-Based Decision Making

Candidates in school librarian preparation programs are actively engaged in leadership, collaboration, advocacy, and professional networking. Candidates participate in and lead ongoing professional learning. Candidates advocate for effective school libraries to benefit all learners. Candidates conduct themselves according to the ethical principles of the library and information profession.

5.1 Professional Learning
5.2 Leadership and Collaboration
5.3 Advocacy
5.4 Ethical Practice

For additional information contact

Dr. Kimberly McFall, School Library Media Program Coordinator,