English Majors

The Marian Alexander Blake and Merrill Clifford Blake Scholarship provides assistance to graduate students interested in advanced research in the Southern literature housed at the Blake archives at Marshall University.

Recipients of the scholarship must be able to provide a demonstrable interest in the Blake archive’s holdings (in particular, creative writing of the antebellum or post-bellum South), an aptitude for research and writing, and a demonstrated record of superior scholarship.

If you are interested in applying for the Blake Scholarship, please contact Dr. Jana Tigchelaar (tigchelaar@marshall.edu) for more information and application requirements. Applications are due by March 30.

2017-2018 Blake Scholarship Recipient Jessica DeLong

History Majors

The Rosanna A. Blake and Fred E. Hulse Scholarship in Confederate History provides financial assistance to graduate students pursuing research projects in the history of the Confederacy and the Civil War era, broadly defined. Scholarship recipients must demonstrate their aptitude for research and writing and their ability to use the Rosanna A. Blake Collection in their research.

If you are interested in applying for the Blake-Hulse Scholarship, please contact Dr. Michael Woods (woodsm@marshall.edu) for more information and application requirements.

Additional Scholarship Opportunities

The Lancaster Prize in Digital Humanities for the best undergraduate essay in Digital Humanities in any UK or overseas humanities discipline. For more information, visit http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/dighum/dh_prize/.

Now is the time to apply to HASTAC Scholars, or encourage your students to apply! The application period closes on October 15. For more information, visit https://www.hastac.org/initiatives/hastac-scholars.

William King Museum of Art in Abingdon, Virginia, is offering the Digital Humanities Fellowship in Appalachian Decorative Art. The fellowship is open to recent Master’s graduates (or soon-to-be-graduates), doctoral students, postdocs, faculty on sabbatical, and qualified independent researchers. To see the call, email Dr. Lillvis at lillvis@marshall.edu.

Sustaining DH, an NEH Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities, is accepting applications. For more information, visit CollegeArt website.