DH minors, you may find these sample plans of study useful as you register for classes each semester. Please note: you do not need to limit your coursework to those classes listed in the sample plans of study; for example, Geography students may take courses from the Film Studies minor plan of study. For specific questions about what classes might work best for you, please contact the Director of Digital Humanities.

Plan of Study: Film Studies Minor & Digital Humanities Minor

Film Studies minors may wish to enroll in the following courses to earn the DH minor:

Required courses (6 credits):

  • DH 201: Intro to Digital Humanities (3 credits, required for DH only)
  • ENG 344: Intro to Film Studies (3 credits, required for Film Studies only)

Each of these classes counts for DH and Film Studies (6 credits):

  • ENG 440: Selected Topics in Film (3 credits)
  • JMC 260: Digital Imaging for JMC (3 credits)

Choose 1-3 of the following courses (3-9 credits, depending on whether students take ENG 440 and/or JMC 260):

  • ART 219: Gaze/Animate: Digital Images
  • ART 318: Art and Design for Websites
  • CIT 446: 3D Modeling and Animation
  • JMC 241: Media Design
  • PSC 480: Power, Politics, and Video Games


Plan of Study: Geography Major & Digital Humanities Minor

Geography majors may wish to enroll in the following courses to earn the DH minor:

Required courses (7 credits):

  • DH 201: Intro to Digital Humanities (3 credits, required for DH only)
  • GEO 426: Principles of GIS (4 credits, required for Geography only)

Choose any 2 classes from the following list (2 credits):

  • GEO 110: Basic GIS (1 credit)
  • GEO 111: Air Photos Satellite Imagery (1 credit)
  • GEO 112: Introduction to Global Positioning Systems (1 credit)
  • GEO 113: Web GIS (1 credit)

Choose 2 classes, from different subjects, from the following list (6 credits):

  • ANT 464: Design, Planning, and Health (3 credits)
  • ANT 465: Disaster, Culture and Health (3 credits)
  • ART 318: Art and Design for Websites (3 credits)
  • CIT 446: 3D Modeling and Animation (3 credits)
  • CMM 456: Computer-Mediated Communication (3 credits)
  • ENG 344: Intro to Film Studies (3 credits)
  • ENG 350: Intro to Textual Analysis (3 credits)
  • ENG 408: Writing in the Digital World (3 credits)
  • JMC 361: Digital Presence (3 credits)
  • JMC 462: Web Design (3 credits)
  • PSC 480: Power, Politics, and Video Games (3 credits)