To earn a minor in Digital Humanities, a student must complete at least 15 credits in approved Digital Humanities courses with a minimum GPA of 2.5. Other requirements:
- Students must take DH: 201: Intro to Digital Humanities.
- 12 additional credit hours in courses related to Digital Humanities.
- Because this is an interdisciplinary minor, students must complete coursework in at least 3 academic departments.
- At least 9 credit hours must have been completed at Marshall University. Students may utilize up to 6 credit hours in Digital Humanities coursework completed at another accredited institution with the approval of the Director of Digital Humanities.
- At least 6 of 15 credit hours must be in courses numbered 300 or above.
- In addition to the courses on the following list, students may include up to 9 credits earned in Special Topics courses, including Honors Seminars, and up to 3 credits earned in Independent Study, provided these courses have been approved by the Director of Digital Humanities for completion of the Digital Humanities minor.
- No courses taken on a credit/no credit basis can count toward completion of the minor. (Exceptions to this policy can be made for Spring 2020 courses due to COVID-19.)
Among the courses that may fulfill the Digital Humanities minor are the following:
- ANT 464: Design, Planning, and Health
- ANT 465: Disaster, Culture and Health
- ART 219: Foundations: Frame/Time (formerly Gaze/Animate: Digital Images)
- ART 318: Art and Design for Websites
- ART 480-482: Video Art
- CIT 280/ENG 280: Coding for the Digital Humanities (WI)
- CIT 446: 3D Modeling and Animation
- CMM 255: Introduction to Computer-Mediated Communication (SS)
- CMM 456: Computer-Mediated Communication
- CS 105: Explore the World with Computing (CT)
- CS 110: Computer Science I
- CS 120: Computer Science II
- DH 201: Intro to Digital Humanities (HUM, WI)
- ENG 263: Digital Literary Studies (formerly ENG 280) (HUM, LIT, WI)
- ENG 344: Introduction to Film Studies (LIT, WI)
- ENG 350: Intro to Textual Analysis (WI)
- ENG 408: Writing in the Digital World (WI)
- GEO 110: Basic GIS (1 credit, online)
- GEO 111: Air Photos and Satellite Imagery
- GEO 112: Smartphone GPS (1 credit, 8 weeks)
- GEO 113: Web GIS
- GEO 426: Principles of GIS (4 credits, online)
- ITL 350: Advanced Digital Literacy Skills (8 weeks, online)
- ITL 406: Digital Citizenship (8 weeks, online)
- ITL 455: Pedagogy of New Literacies (8 weeks, online)
- JMC 241: Media Design (WI)
- JMC 260: Digital Imaging for JMC
- JMC 361: Digital Presence
- JMC 462: Web Design
- MUS 210: Intro to Electronic Music (CIT, Fine Arts, online)
- PSC 478: Power, Politics, and Video Games (formerly PSC 480)
The following courses count toward a Digital Humanities minor only when taught by approved faculty. Please check the program website or email the Director of Digital Humanities for a list of approved faculty.
- ENG 101: Beginning Composition (Hovatter) (Compostion)
- ENG 200: Texting the World (Rucker) (CT, HUM, LIT, WI)
- ENG 201: Advanced Composition (Hovatter, Rucker) (Composition)
- ENG 432: Contemporary Literature (LIT, WI [depending on instructor])
- ENG 440: Selected Topics in Film (Nolte, Squire) (LIT, WI)
- HON 292: Yeager Seminar III: Coding for the Digital Humanities (Cartwright, Lillvis) (CT, WI)
- HON 480: Special Topics: Design, Planning, Health (Hoey)
- HST 303: The American Military Experience (Trowbridge) (United States History, WI, online)
- HST 312: African-American History, 1619 to Present (Trowbridge)
- HST 437: Seminar in Public History
- HST 438: Material Culture and History
DH minors, you may find these sample plans of study useful as you register for classes each semester. Please note: you do not need to limit your coursework to those classes listed in the sample plans of study; for example, Geography students may take courses from the Film Studies minor plan of study. For specific questions about what classes might work best for you, please contact the Director of Digital Humanities.
Plan of Study: Film Studies Minor & Digital Humanities Minor
Film Studies minors may wish to enroll in the following courses to earn the DH minor:
Required courses (6 credits):
- DH 201: Intro to Digital Humanities (3 credits, required for DH only)
- ENG 344: Intro to Film Studies (3 credits, required for Film Studies only)
Each of these classes counts for DH and Film Studies (6 credits):
- ENG 440: Selected Topics in Film (3 credits)
- JMC 260: Digital Imaging for JMC (3 credits)
Choose 1-3 of the following courses (3-9 credits, depending on whether students take ENG 440 and/or JMC 260):
- ART 219: Gaze/Animate: Digital Images
- ART 318: Art and Design for Websites
- CIT 446: 3D Modeling and Animation
- JMC 241: Media Design
- PSC 480: Power, Politics, and Video Games
Plan of Study: Geography Major & Digital Humanities Minor
Geography majors may wish to enroll in the following courses to earn the DH minor:
Required courses (7 credits):
- DH 201: Intro to Digital Humanities (3 credits, required for DH only)
- GEO 426: Principles of GIS (4 credits, required for Geography only)
Choose any 2 classes from the following list (2 credits):
- GEO 110: Basic GIS (1 credit)
- GEO 111: Air Photos Satellite Imagery (1 credit)
- GEO 112: Introduction to Global Positioning Systems (1 credit)
- GEO 113: Web GIS (1 credit)
Choose 2 classes, from different subjects, from the following list (6 credits):
- ANT 464: Design, Planning, and Health (3 credits)
- ANT 465: Disaster, Culture and Health (3 credits)
- ART 318: Art and Design for Websites (3 credits)
- CIT 446: 3D Modeling and Animation (3 credits)
- CMM 456: Computer-Mediated Communication (3 credits)
- ENG 344: Intro to Film Studies (3 credits)
- ENG 350: Intro to Textual Analysis (3 credits)
- ENG 408: Writing in the Digital World (3 credits)
- JMC 361: Digital Presence (3 credits)
- JMC 462: Web Design (3 credits)
- PSC 480: Power, Politics, and Video Games (3 credits)
Please click here for the Digital Humanities Minor Declaration Form.
Please print and fill out the form, and then take the completed form to your college office.
If you are in the College of Arts and Media, visit the college office in Smith Hall 158 to obtain CAM’s minor declaration form.
Once you have declared the Digital Humanities minor, please inform Dr. Sarah Walton, the Director of Digital Humanities, at waltons@marshall.edu so that records can be updated.
For More Information:
Dr. Sarah Walton
Director of Digital Humanities
449 Corbly Hall
1 John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755
Spring courses are due September 1; Summer and Fall course applications are due March 20, 2020.
Send completed course approval application forms and any accompanying materials to Dr. Sarah Walton to request materials., Director of Digital Humanities, waltons@marshall.edu.