Anthropology Club

The Anthropology Club brings together students interested in the four-fields of anthropology (both as majors and non-majors) in order to engage with the core concerns of discipline in settings beyond the classroom.  The Club is open to everyone and we encourage people to join us who are interested in all things human, from our origins as a species (biological), to our cultural development (archaeology), to how we live in present communities (cultural), to how we communicate (linguistics).

Join others with similar interests for comradeship and even, occasionally, pizza!  A great way to connect with like-minded students and share a learning experience–exciting, and just fun.

Activities of the Club include:

  • Field trips
  • The Works in Progress Series
  • Invited speakers
  • Conferences
  • Book and bake sales
  • Movie screenings

2022-2023 Academic Year

Anthropology Club Poster in PDF (coming in September)


TBA [contact club president for details]

Club Officers


Vice President:


Faculty Advisor:


For more information contact

American Anthropological Association

AnthroClubs is an official student program for undergraduate members of the American Anthropological Association that works to foster community among those majoring, minoring, or having a general interest in the field of anthropology. AAA Anthropology Club members work to mobilize students and departments by serving as on-campus ambassadors.

  • Have at least 5 student club members (at least three (3) club members, not including the club President, must be AAA members)
  • Have a faculty advisor (AAA membership is not required but members receive 15% off their national dues)
  • Complete and submit an AnthroClub membership application
  • Submit AnthroClub annual dues
  • Complete and submit the AAA undergraduate membership application for at least three (3) members
  • Elect club officers (President, Secretary and Treasurer) annually
  • Develop a club social media page (at least one of the following); or “follow” or “like” @AmericanAnthro
  • Clubs on Facebook should “like” the AAA page to receive updatesAdditional Club Guidelines..
  • An official AnthroClub Membership Certificate
  • The official AnthroClub member logo to use on materials, websites and social media channels
  • Club President’s member dues waived
  • Faculty Advisor member dues discount (15% off)
  • Annual club kit that includes materials that will include ideas on how to plan activities for your club, logo swag, and other resources
  • Highlights throughout the year of club activities on AAA national social media pages
  • Participation in World Anthropology Day (formerly National Anthropology Day) events and materials
  • Exclusive access to purchase/request additional official Anthro Club logo materials

Celebrate. Engage. Inspire.

Anthropology Day is an annual day (always the third Thursday in February) for anthropologists to celebrate our discipline while sharing it with the world around us. Help us celebrate what anthropology is and what it can achieve by hosting an event through the Anthropology Club.

Visit the American Anthropological Association’s Anthropology Day Resources page to check out logos, activity suggestions, customizable templates and additional materials.

Quick Links


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  • David Cliff Grove
    1935-2023 David C. Grove, Jubilee Professor of Anthropology Emeritus at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and Courtesy Professor of Anthropology at the University of Florida, passed away on May 24, 2023, at the age of 87 after a long illness. His career trajectory focused on the archaeology of complex societies in central Mexico c. 1000–500 […]
  • The Demystification of AI: An Industry Perspective
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  • “I Don’t Want to Be Taught and Graded by a Robot”: Student-Teacher Relations in the Age of Generative AI
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  • Vocal Robots
    Language work defines the globalized new economy and, with it, strategies for managing how we do language. Emerging voice technologies in contexts like call centers represent the latest attempt to create the perfect language worker.  The post Vocal Robots appeared first on Anthropology News.
  • “Tell Me a Singlish Joke”: Making and Breaking Linguistic-National Boundaries through ChatGPT in Singapore—and Beyond
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  • Call for Pitches: Praxis
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Contact Us

Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Smith Hall 727
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755-2678
Tel: 304-696-6700
Fax: 304-696-2803