Marty Laubach

Dr. Laubach received his Ph.D. in Sociology from Indiana University in 2002. He specializes in religion, work and organizations, social psychology, knowledge and science. His basic research interest focuses on how people create social realities from lived experiences. In religion, this translates into the construction and effects of psychism – the phenomenon that underlies paranormal spiritual experiences. In the workplace, this translates into consent and informal organization.



 Curriculum Vitae

Research interests

My basic research interest is about how people create social realities from their lived experiences. This broad interest is being translated using multiple research methods into two agendas within different substantive areas of sociology. It has so far resulted in my masters thesis, dissertation, and three papers submitted for publication. Please see my Research Statement for more information.

Teaching Interests

I see teaching and research as complementary. Teaching nurtures research with a reminder of the overall frame within which it resides, and that the findings need to be accessible to undergraduate students. Research nurtures teaching by keeping it fresh, imbuing it with the excitement of discovery. Please see my Teaching Statement for more information.

Selected Publications

“Consent, Informal Organization and Job Rewards: a Mixed Methods Analysis”

“The Epistemology of Esoteric Culture: Spiritual Claim-Making Within the American Neopagan Community”

“The Practitioner, the Priest, and the Professor: Perspectives on Self-Initiation in the American Neopagan Community” (with Louis Martinie’ and Roselinda Clemons)

“The Social Effects of Psychism: Spiritual Experience and the Construction of Privatized Religion”

“Structural Identity Theory and the Dynamics of Cross-Cultural Work Groups” (with P. Christopher Earley)

“Trials and Triumphs: Piloting a Web Conference System to Deliver Blended Learning across Multiple Sites”  (with Laura J. Little)