Dr. Linda Spatig (2006-2008)

Dr. Linda Spatig earned a B.S. in Educational Foundations from Barton College in 1971, an M.Ed. in Elementary Education from Western Washington State University in 1974, and a Ed.D. in Educational Foundations from the University of Houston in 1987. She joined the Marshall faculty in 1987. In 2016, she retired as a Professor Emerita of Educational Foundations and Leadership in the College of Education and Professional Development. During her thirty years at Marshall, Dr. Spatig worked closely with the education doctoral programs in Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Leadership housed on the South Charleston campus. She served the university in many capacities including work with the Center for Teaching Excellence Advisory Board, the Faculty Senate, the Graduate Council, and as Co-director of the Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Gender in Appalachia. She is a past president of the Appalachian Studies Association and served as Associate Editor of the Journal of Appalachian Studies. Her scholarship focuses on social context of education issues including social class, race, gender, and sexuality, especially as these are experienced in the Appalachian region. Her recent work, a collaborative ethnography, co-authored with Layne Amerikaner, is titled Thinking Outside the Girl Box: Teaming up with Resilient Youth in Appalachia. The book was published by Ohio University Press in 2014.

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Dr. Montserrat Miller
Executive Director

Dr. Jennifer Robinette
Program Coordinator

Dr. Wendell Dobbs
Musical Director

Dr. Clayton Brooks
Quoits Pitmaster