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Morris-Smith, James-theater-Ryan Fischer


Our mentors will help you DESIGN your path, helping you navigate the questions and concerns that come from the university experience to strategically create an individualized plan that works for you.

Career Education:  The Student Resource Center can help you explore different career paths or hone the skills needed for success in your chosen field.  Both your mentor and SRC staff can also help you select a minor to make the most of your degree.

Community engagement:  We’ll help you get involved in the Huntington community through our EDGE service project as well as other outreach opportunities and internship programs that can help you plant a firm foundation for your future.

Lynda:  Lynda is an online skills development resource for a wide variety of computer software products, program techniques, and even programming languages.  Your Online Training Library provides easy to follow video lessons from experts in each subject area. As a Marshall University student, faculty or staff member, you have access to the full library.   (

Study Abroad:  Ever wanted to spend a semester in Paris?  A summer in Madrid?  Two weeks in Buenos Aires?  We’ll tell you about different study abroad options that fit your interests, program of study, and budget.

Internships:  Internships are a great way to get experience in the field and truly customize your education.  Some internships even pay and/or offer college credit!  Ask us about opportunities in your field.

Scholarships:  The EDGE Program keeps a running list of possible scholarships that fit our student population.  We may have something for you!  You can also check out Student Financial Aid ( for grant and scholarship opportunities.

Student organizations:  What groups, clubs, and honor societies exist within your major program?  How can these extracurriculars help improve your resume as well as better prepare you for the field?  Let us help you find and take advantage of these opportunities.