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We want you to GRADUATE in a timely manner, conducive to your goals.  There are lots of ways to get through this maze of college! The path to get there will be full of obstacles. We want to help you get through those with a supportive and empathetic experience.

Career Education:  Think you want to major in economics, sociology, or English, but you’re not sure what sort of job you can get with your degree? We’ll help you set up a consultation with the individuals in the Office of Career Education ( so that you can start planning your bright future now.

Fifteen to Finish:  Want to finish college in four years? You’ll need to plan to take an average of 15 hours per semester. We’ll help you think strategically about how to break down your program requirements semester-by-semester to get your 120 credit hours to ensure on-time graduation or help you figure out an alternative schedule of goals that better fits your needs.

Further education opportunities (graduate school):  So what’s next?  We can help you plan for your bachelor’s degree at Marshall and beyond by building a resume while you’re here, researching career opportunities in your chosen field, and seeking further education opportunities through graduate programs.

Writing Center:  Overwhelmed with all of the essays assigned in your writing intensive courses? We’ll help get you connected with a writing tutor (  so that you don’t have to go at the writing process alone.

Tutoring Center:  You’ve studied and studied, but you just can’t seem to get the hang of college algebra.  No worries.  We can connect you with students who have mastered the course and can help you master it as well.  (

Library:  Have a lot of research to do for your FYS or capstone project and you don’t know where to begin?  Try a research librarian at Drinko.  The staff can help you find and use appropriate sources to fit every assignment from freshmen year to graduation.   (