Marshall University’s English Language Institute’s (ELI) in-person program offers students the opportunity to participate in our English Language Program in the United States. Our program is made up of English language classes that provide you with the opportunity to learn academic skills, while also improving your mastery of the English language. Students will learn from highly experienced instructors and receive top-quality English language training.
English language courses include:
- Reading-Vocabulary
- Grammar-Writing
- Listening-Speaking
- Special Topics. Topics are varied from semesters to semesters. The recent topics cover Marshall experiences and Career Education to allow students to learn more about the university and their career options.
Our classes provide students with the opportunity to learn academic skills in three integrated courses and a Special Topic course for a total of 20 hours per week in fall and spring semesters. If you are interested to take one or two courses per semester, contact us to check your eligibility.
Throughout the program, students will:
- Present spoken and written ideas accurately and effectively in English
- Read, understand and critically evaluate written text
- Use the internet and Marshall University library databases to conduct academic research
- Learn independently in self-paced lessons with weekly deadlines to keep on track
Students are placed in the appropriate level based on their score on the DuoLingo placement test. Students who successfully complete a level (grades of C in each of the three integrated courses) progress to the next level in a following semester. Students who successfully complete Academic Preparatory 1 level are considered to have met the English proficiency requirement for admission for most Marshall University undergraduate programs. Students who successfully complete Academic Preparatory 2 level are considered to have met the English proficiency requirement for admission for most Marshall University graduate programs.
All new students must attend the ELI orientation. The orientation is held during the week before the program start date. Read more information about each level below.

Marshall University’s English Language Institute’s (ELI) online program offers students the opportunity to participate in our English Language Program from the comfort of their homes. Our online program is made up of English language classes that provide you with the opportunity to learn academic skills, while also improving your mastery of the English language. Students will learn from highly experienced instructors and receive top-quality English language training.
English language courses include:
- Reading-Vocabulary
- Grammar-Writing
- Listening-Speaking
Estimated study time per week is 10-12 hours per course in Fall and Spring semesters. Students will complete their coursework independently with due dates at the end of each week. If you are interested to take one or two courses at a time, contact us for more information.
Throughout the program, students will:
- Present spoken and written ideas accurately and effectively in English
- Read, understand and critically evaluate written text
- Use the internet and Marshall University library databases to conduct academic research
- Learn independently in self-paced lessons with weekly deadlines to keep on track
Students are placed in the appropriate level based on their score on the DuoLingo placement test. Students who successfully complete a level (grades of C in each of the three integrated courses) progress to the next level in a following semester. Students who successfully complete Academic Preparatory 1 level are considered to have met the English proficiency requirement for admission for most Marshall University undergraduate programs. Students who successfully complete Academic Preparatory 2 level are considered to have met the English proficiency requirement for admission for most Marshall University graduate programs.

Students develop social and classroom and basic academic language and learn study skills necessary for higher levels of English study. The primary emphasis is to improve students’ English proficiency for communicating and socializing in casual interactions.
Specifically, students work on reading strategies and speed, developing and revising paragraphs, and developing basic comprehensibility and skills.
Students develop social and classroom and intermediate academic language and learn study skills necessary for higher levels of English study. The primary emphasis is to improve students’ English proficiency for communicating and socializing in casual interactions as well as comprehending main ideas in academic situations.
Students start an independent use of Academic English by interacting with complex texts, writing on a variety of subjects, and developing intermediate-level comprehensibility and skills.
Students acquire an independent use of Academic English by practicing and improving their language proficiency through production of clear texts on a variety of subjects, explaining their viewpoints on a subject, and comprehending advanced-level texts.
Completion of this level fulfills the English language proficiency requirement for Marshall University undergraduate degree programs admission. There are additional admissions requirements, students can find more information at International Undergraduate.
Students deepen their understanding of Academic English by interacting with, comprehending, and communicating about complex language structures. Academic skills and language improve by tasks that include synthesizing ideas from a variety of sources, creating coherent presentations, engaging in discussions, and initiating well-supported notions.
Completion of this level fulfills the general English language proficiency requirement for Marshall University graduate degree programs admission. There are additional admissions requirements, students can find more information at International Graduate.
Make sure you understand and follow all rules. This is the only test we accept for the placement. If you are not able to receive certified results, you will be placed into Foundational Level.
You can also download the test information and step-by-step instructions as a PDF to help you follow the steps.