Hometown: Weirton, WV

Major: English (Literary Analysis)
Minor: Political Science
Honors or awards: National Honors Society of Leadership and Success


Future plans: Right now, I want to pursue freelance writing or social media managing. I would like to eventually go back to graduate school for English and maybe explore some classes in Psychology. After some experience has been achieved I would love to eventually become a college professor!

When asked if there was a particular course or memory that stands out when looking back over her time as an English major she said:

“English 350 with Daniel Lewis was the class that ultimately made me decide to become an English Major. He was so engaging and allowed us to express our opinions and always made class so much fun! The text was interesting and the theories even more so. Researching for his class made me realize how much of a passion I had for literary research and thus, an English major was born!”

Congratulations, Jesse!