Anna RollinsRank
Instructor and Director of the Writing Center

Educational Background
MA English, Marshall University, 2012

Interests and Specializations
Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), Writing Center and Composition Theory, Creative Nonfiction and the Personal Essay.

Anna Rollins’s research connects specifically to her work as director of Marshall’s Writing Center and to her work as a mentor in the EDGE program. In her current research, she is observing patterns of student error in introductory geology course compositions, and based upon these observed patterns, she is working to revise writing center tutoring pedagogy for students composing in the sciences.

Likewise, Anna currently holds a fellowship through the Higher Learning Commission in faculty research and mentoring; as part of this fellowship, Anna conducts regular mentoring sessions with a cohort of students and is completing research related to institutional strategies for student retention.

Anna is a member of IWCA, and she serves as a member of the English department’s composition committee, the WAC committee, and as chair of English’s events committee. She is currently a member of the Center for Teaching and Learning’s Faculty Learning Community on the Sciences and the Humanities. She is a former Pushcart Prize nominee. She has been a member of the English faculty at Marshall since 2012.

Courses that Anna has taught in the past (or is scheduled to teach) include: ENG 101 (Intro to Composition), ENG 200 (Texting the World), ENG 201 (Advanced Composition — Health and Ethics; COS; COFA), ENG 205 (Popular Literature), ENG 350 (Intro to Textual Analysis), ENG 379 (Intermediate Creative Nonfiction), and ENG 4/560 (Writing Center and Composition Theory).

Selected Publications and Presentations
“Explicitness and Rationale: Purposeful Communication in Asynchronous Online Writing Tutoring Sessions,” Praxis: A Writing Center Journal, Vol. 19, No. 2 (2022)

“Equity and Ability: Metaphors of Inclusion in Writing Center Promotion,” Praxis: A Writing Center Journal (forthcoming Fall 2015).

“Tutoring Across the Disciplines: Genre Theory and the Writing Center Session,” Spring 2014 ECWCA Conference, Oxford, Ohio.

“Plagiarism Pedagogy in the Multicultural Composition Classroom,” INTESOL 2011, Indianapolis, Indiana.

“Consultant Spotlight,” Praxis: A Writing Center Journal (Fall 2010).