Procedures for Standing Committee Recording Secretaries

  • The recording secretary prepares an email distribution list of the committee membership (voting and non-voting) to utilize for communicating with the committee.
  • The recording secretary is responsible for assisting the chair in selecting an appropriate meeting time and for securing an appropriate room in which to hold the meetings. It is recommended that a room be selected that is convenient, centrally located and has video conferencing capabilities. (Please note that according to SR-16-17-28 CC, the University Curriculum Committee has standardized meeting dates.)
  • The recording secretary provides the membership of the committee with current rosters by distributing at meetings or via e-mail. The Faculty Senate office will provide rosters (new or revised).
  • The recording secretary distributes a meeting schedule to all listed on the committee roster.
  • The secretary is responsible for distributing a copy of the Standing Committee Report Schedule and the document entitled “Responsibilities of Liaison’s Serving on Faculty Senate Standing Committees” (See template: Responsibilities-Liaison) to the committee’s Liaison.
  • The secretary is responsible for distributing a copy of the document entitled “Responsibilities of Members Serving on Faculty Senate Standing Committees” (See template: Responsibilities-Members) to all members of the committee.
  • The recording secretary prepares a sign-in sheet for each meeting of the committee.
  • The recording secretary maintains a record of member’s meeting attendance and reports excessive absences (more than 3) to the committee chair.
  • The recording secretary is responsible for taking accurate minutes at each meeting and for forwarding the minutes to the Faculty Senate office within five working days after the committee’s meeting. The minutes do not contain discussions but are to reflect action taken. Minutes (See template: Minutes) should contain the following information:
    • Date, time, and place of the meeting.
    • Name of the Standing Committee.
    • Names of voting members present. Use first and last names.
    • Names of voting members absent. Use first and last names.
    • Names of ex-officio members present. Use first and last names.
    • Names of ex-officio members absent. Use first and last names.
    • Names of guests present. Use first and last names.
    • Approval or corrections of the previous meetings’ minutes.
    • Following the agenda items, a brief description of the actions taken or business transacted.
    • The time the meeting was adjourned.
    • Typed and written signature of the recording secretary (if sending minutes via email, use a script font to simulate a signature).
    • An area specified “Minutes Read” for the signature of the Senate Chair and the date.


Other Resources


Old Main 310
Marshall University
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755


Shawn Schulenberg - Chair
Mindy Varney - Assistant Chair
Kelli Johnson - Recording Secretary


Zelideth Rivas - Parliamentarian


Hailey Bibbee - Office Administrator