Liaison Responsibilities

General Responsibilities

  • Liaisons are appointed by the Faculty Senate Chair to serve a two-year term, which may be renewed for one additional consecutive term.
  • Liaisons may not serve on another Faculty Senate standing committee at the same time.

Standing Committee Meetings

  • Liaisons have full voting rights.
  • Liaisons are responsible for arranging time in their schedules to attend committee meetings.
  • Liaisons should carefully study any materials sent to them prior to the scheduled meetings.
  • Liaisons should attend each meeting prepared for discussion. They can assist the committee by providing necessary background information as well as the viewpoints and/or concerns of the Faculty Senate.

Faculty Senate Meetings

  • Liaisons are responsible for preparing a written report about the committee’s actions, which must be sent to the Faculty Senate office one week prior to their scheduled presentation before the Faculty Senate. The written report should include the following information:
    • The date/time of the meeting.
    • A recap of discussed topics, votes, and other key events.
    • Information about the next scheduled meeting.
  • Liaisons are responsible for presenting this report to the Faculty Senate according to the established schedule.


Other Resources


Old Main 310
Marshall University
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755


Shawn Schulenberg - Chair
Mindy Varney - Assistant Chair
Kelli Johnson - Recording Secretary


Zelideth Rivas - Parliamentarian


Hailey Bibbee - Office Administrator