Thank You for Choosing Marshall University!

F.A.M. is our Peer Mentoring program that puts you in contact with a caring sophomore, junior or senior who will help you get adjusted to campus, answer any questions you might have, and point you to any resources you might need.
You can contact your FAM by email, text, phone, virtually or in-person.
Meet the Freshman FAMs
Meet the Sophomore FAMs
Meet the MOVC and Other Campus FAMs
Meet the Transfer Student FAMs
Your Marshall FAM is always there for you.
October 7, 2022: FAMs host a pumpkin painting event on the lawn in front of East Hall.
October 28, 2022: FAMs host the “world’s lamest tamest college Halloween Party” in East Hall.
November 16, 2022: FAMs Lillian Ramsier and Loryn Hall table at the Neurodiversity Event in the Memorial Student Center.
December 1, 2022: FAMs Gabby Casey and Hannah Dorsey host an “Paint, Sip and Be Merry” event in East Hall.