Welcome to Marshall University Finance!

The Finance Departments support Marshall University by providing key financial services efficiently and effectively. The Finance section provides university financial services directly to students and the campus community. Finance includes Accounting, Accounts Payable, Budget, Bursar, Payroll and Finance IT. The division is committed to sound fiscal policies, stewardship of assets, and the integrity of our processes.

The office for Marshall University’s Senior Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer Matt Tidd is located in 209 Old Main.

We want you to understand how we work with you, and be able to meet your needs. The best place for you to start is with a review of our Introduction To Finance. It’s your guide to what trainings you should take advantage of, as well as additional information to help you in your current role at Marshall University.

The approved University Budget for Fiscal Year 25 (July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025) is now available online for your review: