Source (Revenue) & Use (Expenditure) Budgets are separate components and changes to each are independent transactions as well. A transfer of an existing Source Budget does not automatically create a transfer of a Use Budget. Therefore, transfers of existing Source budgets will typically include a corresponding transfer of Use budget. The results of each transfer to/from fund/org combinations must meet Budget Guideline #3 for both the providing and receiving fund/org combination.
In order to provide good fiscal data, it is critical that transactions are recorded in the appropriate account code. Account codes have been changed significantly and will incur additional changes with the new state ERP implementation so please refer to the Accounting Office web site for the latest list to help identify the correct account codes.
Please submit budget change requests through your existing approval channels. The Budget Adjustment Form should be e-mailed through that channel as an attachment. For approval purposes, the email must include the names listed on the Budget Adjustment Request Form in fields “Submitted by” AND “Approved by” in either the “From” or “CC” fields of the email message. Ultimately ALL adjustment requests must be submitted to for consideration.
You can download the Budget Adjustment Request Form on the Finance “Forms” page.