The West Virginia Board of Risk and Insurance Management requires that all employees who drive a state vehicle or drive their personal vehicle and are reimbursed by the University complete a safe driver training course each year. To meet this requirement, the Marshall University Environmental Health and Safety Department has developed an updated on-line safe driver training module. This training will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Remember this MUST BE COMPLETED once per calendar year in order to receive reimbursement.
To access the training, you must enroll in the course. The link provided explains how to complete the enrollment process and written instructions are outlined below:
Self-Enrollment Instructions:
1. Go to the Marshall University Website and click on the MU On-Line link.
2. Log-in using your MUNETID and Password.
3. Blackboard will open. Click on the “Organizations” Tab.
4. Type “safety” in the Organization Search Box. Click “Go”
5. Under the search results you will see Org ID train_driversafety / Org Name: Safety Training.
6. Beside the Org ID click on the Down Arrow and select “Enroll.”
7. On the Self Enrollment page Click “Submit.” Then click “OK”.
If you experience any difficulty in the enrollment process, please see the Self-Enrollment Instruction Video.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this training. If you have any questions, please contact Tracy Smith – 304-696-2993.