We have a large First-Gen community that includes students, faculty, staff and alumni. We are here to encourage, support and celebrate you along your journey.
This directory includes first-generation faculty and staff at Marshall University. If you are a first-generation student, the faculty and staff listed below have been in your shoes and want to connect with and support you during your Marshall journey.
If you are a faculty or staff member from a family in which neither parent earned a bachelor’s degree and would like to be included in our directory, please complete the request form below. The directory is managed by Student Support Services.
Name | Title | Department | |
C. Michelle Alford | Library IT Consultant Sr. | University Libraries | michelle.alford@marshall.edu |
Michaela Arthur | Assistant Director | Office of Student Conduct | arthurmi@marshall.edu |
Kelli Adkins | Director | Graduate Admissions | kelli.adkins@marshall.edu |
Bonnie Bailey | Director | Student Support Services | bonnie.bailey@marshall.edu |
Zach Bailey | Student Support Specialist | University College | bailey403@marshall.edu |
Penny Basenback | Administrative Assistant | College of Engineering and Computer Sciences | gruber2@marshall.edu |
Marybeth Beller | Associate Professor | Department of Political Science, COLA | beller@marshall.edu |
Jodi Biller | Director of Clinical Improvement | Marshall Health Network | Hayes68@marshall.edu |
Ann Marie Bingham | Professor of Music | School of Music, CAM | binghama@marshall.edu |
JoAnn Black | Associate Director, IT Client Services Operations | Information Technology | joann.black@marshall.edu |
Jessica Bradley | Assistant Professor/Licensed Clinical Psychologist | Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Medicine, JCESOM | elliott70@marshall.edu |
Emily Brammer | Grant Writer | MURC (WV Grant Resource Centers) | brammer35@marshall.edu |
Marlenea Brand | Evaluation Coordinator | MURC | brandm@marshall.edu |
Gabe Brown | Director | Community Service and Family Programs | brownga@marshall.edu |
Brittany Bruce | Director of Grant Opperations | MURC | brittany.bruce@marshall.edu |
Josh Brunty | Associate Professor | Cyber Forensics and Security, Computer Science | josh.brunty@marshall.edu |
Mandy Campbell | Dual Credit Program Manager | University College | campbelp@marshall.edu |
Pat Campbell | Administrative Assistant | English Department, COLA | campbell13@marshall.edu |
Eric Casto | Associate Registrar – Student Records | Registrar’s Office | casto37@marshall.edu |
Gena Chattin | Research and ETD Librarian | University Libraries | chattin2@marshall.edu |
Kassandra Contreras | HR Representative | Human Resources | contreras2@marshall.edu |
Tom Cuchta | Assistant Professor | Department of Mathematics and Physics | cuchta@marshall.edu |
Holly Cyphert | Associate Professor | College of Science | damron40@marshall.edu |
Tiffany Davis | Assistant Director of Digital Marketing | University Marketing and Communications | tiffany.davis@marshall.edu |
Richard Egleton | Professor and Assistant Dean | School of Medicine | egleton@marshall.edu |
Mary Beth Ferda | Director of Student Engagement & Community Outreach | Honors College | marybeth.ferda@marshall.edu |
Toni Ferguson | Academic Advisor | College of Education & Professional Development | fergusont@marshall.edu |
Caylin France | Student Support Specialist | Student Support Services | bradshaw15@marshall.edu |
Alyssa Hager | Violence Prevention and Response Coordinator | Intercultural & Student Affairs | hager135@marshall.edu |
Jake Hamilton | Student Support Specialist | Student Support Services | hamiltonja@marshall.edu |
Tiffany Hartman | Assistant Dean of Student Life | Intercultural & Student Affairs | tiffany.hartman@marshall.edu |
Courtney Hessler | Admissions Communications Systems Manager | Enrollment Services | sealey3@marshall.edu |
Brian Hoey | Dean | Honors College | hoey@marshall.edu |
Zach Jenkins | Director | Heart of Appalachia Talent Search TRIO Program | zachary.jenkins@marshall.edu |
Rich Jones | Professor and Chair | Department of Communications Studies | jonesri@marshall.edu |
Penny Koontz | Associate Professor & Psychology Clinic Director | Department of Psychology | koontz7@marshall.edu |
Eugene Lacy | Director | Upward Bound TRIO Program | lacy13@marshall.edu |
Grey Leffingwell | Diagnostics Specialist | H.E.L.P. Program | leffingwel27@marshall.edu |
Megan Lemon | Assistant Director of Recruitment | Office of Recruitment | megan.lemon@marshall.edu |
Charise Lindsey | Assistant Director for Leadership Development and Wellness | Office of Student Affairs, JCESOM | hale24@marshall.edu |
Ashley Marion | Administrative Assistant | Financial Aid Office | flora14@marshall.edu |
Lisa Martin | Director of Student Conduct | Intercultural & Student Affairs | martil@marshall.edu |
Amy McCallister-Ethel | College Enrollment Coordinator | Marshall University Enrollment Services | amy.ethel@marshall.edu |
Cris McDavid | Director | Office of Career Education | mcdavidc@marshall.edu |
Teresa McSweeney | HR Representative | Human Resources | hardest4@marshall.edu |
Amy Melton | Director | Technology Transfer Office | amy.melton@marshall.edu |
K. Renna Moore | Coordinator of Registration and Tutor Development | H.E.L.P. Program | moorek@marshall.edu |
Margie Phillips | Instructor | College of Business | philli10@marshall.edu |
Amanda Preece | Assistant Director, SCOPES | College of Education and Professional Development | amanda.preece@marshall.edu |
Lisa Ransbottom | Executive Administrative Assistant | Finance | pitkinl@marshall.edu |
Kandice Rowe-Fortner | Associate Vice President for Grant Development | MURC | rowe39@marshall.edu |
Niki Rowe | Director, SCOPES | College of Education and Professional Development | kandice.napier@marshall.edu |
Meghan Sexton-Harness | Library Research Specialist | University Libraries | sexton73@marshall.edu |
Shawn Schulenberg | Professor and Faculty Senate Chair | Political Science/COLA | schulenberg@marshall.edu |
Marcie Simms | Vice President | Intercultural & Student Affairs | marcie.simms@marshall.edu |
Julie Snyder-Yuly | Associate Professor | Communication Studies, COLA | snyderyuly@marshall.edu |
Sharon Stackpole | Mental Health Specialist | Counseling Center | stackpole3@marshall.edu |
Robyn Stafford | Academic Counselor | University College | messeng1@marshall.edu |
Autumn Starcher-Patton | Assistant Professor | Department of Natural Resources and Earth Sciences | starcher29@marshall.edu |
Wesley Stites | Dean | College of Sciences | stites@marshall.edu |
Jessica Tackett-Napier | Adjunct Instructor | College of Business | tackett66@marshall.edu |
Jill Treftz | Professor | English Department | treftz@marshall.edu |
Phillip Vallejo | Director of Bands | School of Music | vallejop@marshall.edu |
Denise Wiley | Assistant Director/Business Operations | Facilities & Operations | wileyden@marshall.edu |
Lisa Williamson | Director of Orientation, Outreach & Special Events | Office of Recruitment | lisa.williamson@marshall.edu |
Shannon Zornes | Administrative Assistant | Heart of Appalachia Talent Search TRIO Program | zornes@marshall.edu |
If you identify as first-generation and would like to appear in our first-generation faculty and staff directory, we encourage you to complete this form. If you are unsure whether or not you’re considered first-generation, please contact us at firstintheherd@marshall.edu.