There are two versions of the FYS attendance policy: A. MWF classes and B. MW or TR classes. Please scroll down to read the one that applies to your class.
*Students: Please consult your FYS instructor for guidance on course-specific attendance policies (such as QR code attendance tracking).
A. FYS 100 ATTENDANCE POLICY (for all sections meeting MWF)
Regularly attending your FYS class is crucial to your success as a student. Class attendance is important because the reality is that you have to be there to participate and benefit from class discussions, which are structured learning events. Being on time for class and attending all class meetings is expected. Period. You can find more information about Class Attendance Policies in the Undergraduate Catalog.
- University-sponsored academic activities (performing arts, debate and individual events, honors classes, ROTC); official athletic events; other university activities (student government).
- Student Illness or Critical Illness/Death in the Immediate Family: ”Immediate Family” is defined as a spouse/life partner, child, parent, legal guardian, sibling, grandparent or grand- child. *Routine doctor appointments are not excused. Appointments should be scheduled around your classes.
- Short-Term Military Obligation
- Jury Duty or Subpoena for Court Appearance
- Religious Holidays
Student’s Responsibility
- Provide appropriate documentation for excused absence(s).
- Request the opportunity to complete missed work immediately upon return to class.
- Be aware that excessive absences—whether excused or unexcused—may affect your ability to earn a passing grade.
- Regardless of the nature of the excused absence, you are responsible for completing all coursework prior to the end of the semester.
Make-up work for Excused Absences
Because FYS is an interactive class, students who miss class due to University-excused activities will be provided with an alternative assignment that connects to the activities in the missed class session.
- If you miss three classes, expect an email/notification from your instructor
- If you miss a fourth class, you will face:
- Automatic one letter grade deduction in the course
- Mandatory meeting with instructor. At the instructor’s discretion, you may develop a plan of improvement, and if you meet its criteria, you may have the chance to potentially earn back the letter grade deduction. Keep in mind this option is at the instructor’s discretion.
- If you miss a 5th class, the previous letter grade deduction stands. (Improvement plan will not change this grade.)
- Subsequent missed classes will result in additional letter grade deductions
B. FYS 100 ATTENDANCE POLICY (for all sections meeting MW or TR)
Regularly attending your FYS class is crucial to your success as a student. Class attendance is important because the reality is that you have to be there to participate and benefit from class discussions, which are structured learning events. Being on time for class and attending all class meetings is expected. Period. You can find more information about Class Attendance Policies in the Undergraduate Catalog.
- University-sponsored academic activities (performing arts, debate and individual events, honors classes, ROTC); official athletic events; other university activities (student government).
- Student Illness or Critical Illness/Death in the Immediate Family: ”Immediate Family” is defined as a spouse/life partner, child, parent, legal guardian, sibling, grandparent or grand- child. *Routine doctor appointments are not excused. Appointments should be scheduled around your classes.
- Short-Term Military Obligation
- Jury Duty or Subpoena for Court Appearance
- Religious Holidays
Student’s Responsibility
- Provide appropriate documentation for excused absence(s).
- Request opportunity to complete missed work immediately upon return to class.
- Be aware that excessive absences—whether excused or unexcused—may affect your ability to earn a passing grade.
- Regardless of the nature of the excused absence, you are responsible for completing all coursework prior to the end of the semester.
Make-up work for Excused Absences
Because FYS is an interactive class, students who miss class due to University-excused activities will be provided with an alternative assignment that connects to the activities in the missed class session.
- If you miss two classes, expect an email/notification from your instructor
- If you miss a third class, you will face:
- Automatic one letter grade deduction in the course
- Mandatory meeting with instructor. At the instructor’s discretion, you may develop a plan of improvement, and if you meet its criteria, you may have the chance to potentially earn back the letter grade deduction. Keep in mind this option is at the instructor’s discretion.
- If you miss a fourth class, the previous letter grade deduction stands. (Improvement plan will not change this grade.)
- Subsequent missed classes will result in additional letter grade deductions