H. Toney Stroud, Esquire
Chief Legal Officer / Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and Corporate Relations
Location: Old Main 213
Telephone: 304-696-2944
E-mail: stroudh@marshall.edu
Erik W. Legg, Esquire
Assistant General Counsel
Location: Old Main 213
Telephone: 304-696-6704
E-mail: legg2@marshall.edu
Brandon Dennison
Vice President of Economic and Workforce Development
Location: Old Main 213
E-mail: dennison9@marshall.edu
Jessica Rhodes, Esquire
Title IX Coordinator
Location: Old Main 107
Telephone: 304-696-2934
E-mail: jessica.rhodes@marshall.edu
Justin Carter
Assistant to Athletic Director/General Counsel
Location: Shewey Facilities Building
E-mail: carterju@marshall.edu
Jodi S. Bell
Location: Old Main 236
Telephone: 304-696-3225
E-mail: bell78@marshall.edu
Cora Westmoreland
Executive Administrative Assistant
Location: Old Main 213
Telephone: 304-696-6295
E-mail: westmoreland@marshall.edu