Minor in Geography
A minor in geography requires at least 12 credit hours in geography. Any GEO course is acceptable to fulfill the minor requirement. Several courses in geography fulfill university General Education or College of Liberal Arts requirements.
It is possible to get a minor in geography using online courses! We currently offer 15+ online courses from which you may choose.
Minor or Certificate in Meteorology
A minor in meteorology requires at least 14 credit hours. Required courses: GEO230 Intro Meteorology (CT), GEO350 Severe Local Storms and Natural Hazards, and GEO360 Weather Analysis. Optional courses: GEO101 Physical Geography (CT), GEO425 Climatology, GEO483 Meteorology Special Topics, GLY150 Oceanography. Courses may not count for both a major and a minor.
It is possible to get a minor in meteorology using online courses!
Minor or Certificate in GIScience
The Geography Department participates in an interdisciplinary Minor in Geospatial Information Science. Coursework may not count for both a major and a minor but may count for the major and certificate.
Please see the Geospatial Information Science web site for more information.