Graduate options for GIScience in the Geography Department
MA/MS Geography emphasizing GIScience
Graduate students specializing in Geospatial Information Science (GIScience) must complete the Geography Core Requirements (which includes at least one GIScience course) and then select from following additional GIScience courses (available on campus or * online) as you complete your MA Geography requirements. Please see our Master’s Degree in Geography page for more information about MA Geography requirements.
- *GEO523 Cartography and GIS (4 credits)
- *GEO526 Principles of GIS (4 credits)
- *GEO527 Programming GIS (4 credits)
- *GEO529 Location Analysis and GIS (4 credits)
- *GEO530 Environmental Raster Analysis (4 credits)
- *GEO531 Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry (4 credit hours)
- *GEO534 Flood Hazards and GIS (3 credits)
- *GEO554 Drones: Remote Sensing & GIS (3 credits)
- *GEO540 Spatial Statistics and GIS (4 credits)
- GEO585-588 Independent Study (GIS/RS topics only; 1-4 credits)
- *GEO690 Internship (1-6 credits)
*Available as an online course.
GIScience Graduate Certificate or Minor
See the GIScience graduate certificate page for more information.
A Graduate Certificate in Geospatial Information Science consists of a minimum of 16 graduate hours in courses designated as GIScience Courses, including regularly offered courses as well as special topics courses. Students must have a B (3.0) average in their GIScience courses and no grade below a C (2.0) in their GIScience courses to earn the certificate.
GIScience Core Courses (available on campus or online)
- GEO 526 Principles of GIS (4 credit hrs.)
- GEO 531 Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry or BSC 510 Remote Sensing with GIS Applications or BSC511 Digital Image Processing and GIS Modeling (4 hrs.)
Graduate GIScience Electives Courses (available on campus or * online)
- BSC 510/PS 510 Remote Sensing with GIS Applications (4 credit hours)
- BSC 511/PS 511 Digital Image Processing and GIS Modeling (4 hrs.)
- *GEO 527 Programming GIS (4 hrs.)
- *GEO 529 Location Analysis and GIS (4 hrs.)
- *GEO 530 Environmental Raster GIS (4 hrs.)
- *GEO 531 Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry (4 hrs.)
- *GEO534 Flood Hazards and GIS (3 hrs.)
- *GEO 540 Spatial Statistics and GIS (4 hrs.)
- *GEO 690 Internship (1-6 hrs.; must be GIScience approved in advance)
- PS 570 Practicum (4 hrs.; must be GIScience approved by the student’s advisor in advance)
- PS 670 Advanced Practicum (4 hrs.; must be GIScience approved by the student’s advisor in advance)
- Special Topics courses as approved by the GIScience Curriculum Committee
- Independent Studies courses as approved by the GIScience advisor
*Available as an online course.