Sample Preparation & Mineral Separation

Spex Mill

Frantz Isodynamic Separator

Centrifuge and micro-filtration
- Spex Mill with tungsten carbide and alumina balls for grinding rock samples
- Rock crushing equipment
- Rock saws
- Rock grinding and polishing equipment
- Sieves; shaker
- Agate mortars and pestles
- Frantz Isodynamic separator
- Heavy liquids & separator funnels
- Centrifuges
- Micro-filtration capabilities
Mineral Identification

Nikon 50i POL

Nikon Optiphot

GE 9000 Z80 XRD
- Four Research grade polarizing microscopes (Nikon Optiphot; Nikon 50i – POL; Meiji MT9900); three with Epi-illuminators for reflected light microscopy
- Four digital cameras for photomicrography
- Nineteen petrographic student microscopes
- Numerous binocular stereo microscopes
- General Electric X-ray diffractometer (XRD-9000 Z-80/ XRD-6VS)
- XRF Spectrometer (1960’s model upgraded in 1986)
Chemical Analysis



Agilent 5110 VDV ICP-OES

Varian Spectra AA 600 ZGF-AAS

Hach DR 2800 Spectrophotomoter

Oakton PC 2700 pH meter
- Scanning electron microscopes
- JSM-5310LV SEM capable of:
- Imaging at magnifications up to 200,000 X
- Qualitative analysis for all elements with atomic number higher than 8
- Quantitative analysis of spots in solids as small as 2 micrometers
- JEOL 7200F-LV Field Emission type SEM
- Ultimax 100 Energy Dispersive Spectrometer
- Deben Centurion Cathodoluminescence detector
- Aztec 4.2 software
- JSM-5310LV SEM capable of:
- Agilent 5110 VDV Inductively Coupled Atomic Emission Spectroscope (ICP-OES)
- Useful for analysis of dilute solutions
- Elements are detected at the level of tens of parts per billion (PPB)
- Varian Spectra AA 600 Zeeman Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (GF-AAS)
- Useful for the analysis of dilute aqueous solutions
- Concentrations of cations detected at the part per billion (PPB) level .
- Hach DR 2800 UV – Vis Spectrophotometer
- Useful for the analysis of dilute aqueous solutions
- Concentrations of cations and anions detected at the part per million (PPB) level
- pH and conductivity meter
- Digital Titrators
- Digital pipettes
- Portable water chemistry kits
Fluids in Minerals

Linkham THMS G600 stage and Olympus microscope
- Linkam THMS G600 heating – freezing stage for micro-thermometric studies of fluid inclusions in minerals
Soil & Aggregate Grain-Size Analysis

Sieve Shaker & US cleaner
- Rotap Sieve Shaker and ultrasonic sieve clean
- Full suite of Gilson Sieves
- Hydrometers and Graduated Cylinders
Soil Engineering Index Properties

Digital Cone Pentrometer
- Digital Cone Penetrometer (liquid limit)
- Six manual Casa Grande devices (liquid limit)
Soil Strength Testing

Digital unconfined compressive strength apparatus
- Digital Unconfined Compressive Strength apparatus
- Eight Proctor Compaction Test molds with standard and modified slide hammers
Rock Engineering Durability Analysis

Dual Tank Slake Durability testing
- Dual Tank Slake Durability Apparatus
Other Capabilities
- Epic 100 Gigapan camera
- Several portable GPS instruments
- Atomic Force Microscope
- Transmission Electron microscope
- Confocal Microscopy
- 3-D laser surface mapper