John and Frances Rucker Outstanding Graduate Advisor Award

In memory by Larry and Cheryl “Rucker” Tweel


Acknowledge the contributions of Marshall’s outstanding graduate advisors. One advisor from the Huntington campus and one advisor from the South Charleston campus will each receive a monetary award and plaque acknowledging their exceptional service to Marshall’s graduate students.


Marshall University faculty members with Associate, Graduate, or Graduate Chair, graduate faculty status, who have not received this award within the past five years.1

You may determine eligible graduate faculty by going to the below URL and clicking on the College/School column heading to find the graduate status of faculty from your college:

Primary Evaluation Criteria:

• Advises students by providing helpful and accurate information

• Availability to students by making timely responses

• Inclusion of students in service, scholarly or creative activities

Who May Nominate an Advisor: Marshall graduate students, graduate alumni, graduate student groups, and faculty other than the nominee.

Nomination Process: Submit a letter of nomination detailing why the nominee deserves this award. Please be sure to discuss the above Primary Evaluation Criteria bullets as you write your nomination letter. Note: The content quality of these letters will influence the selection process. Nominations must be signed, dated, and clearly state the name of both the advisor being nominated and the person or group making the nomination. If more than three letters are received by Graduate Council for a nominated faculty member, all letters for that faculty member will be sent to him/her, who will then be asked to select the three letters s/he would like to be used in the evaluation process used by Graduate Council’s Credentialing Committee.

2025 Application Process – Click Here

Past Rucker Award Recipients

2024 Robert Deal and Yvonne Skoretz

2023 Brittany Canady

2022 Denise Chambers and McKenzie Brittain

2021 Lisa Heaton and Anne Axel

2020 Joshua Brunty and Scott Simonton

2019 April Fugett and Bobbi Nicholson

2018 Lanai (Rebecca) Jennings and Derrick Kolling

2017 Carl Mummert and Kimberly McFall

2016 Kristen Lillvis

2015 Dennis Anderson and Linda Spatig