Seminar Rules of Engagement

Before joining any of our seminars you will need to:

Graduate Humanities courses are taught in a seminar format, which means that class meetings are discussion-based, graduate-level courses focused on open and regular dialogue, collaborative and interactive interpretation, research and writing. This means, in turn, that our virtual TEAMS meetings are meant to parallel live face-to-face seminars as close as possible. With this in mind, please remember these basic rules of engagement for our virtual seminars:

  • Having both your camera and microphone on, just as if we were in an actual seminar room, is required for participation. No exceptions.
  • Because we may, at any time, enter into conversation that might include private information, sensitive or controversial topics, please remember to join our virtual seminars on a computer in a private space, where others are not present. Our seminars are, by design, limited to those enrolled only, and our discussions often can be very personal and intimate. They are not for the consumption of others outside the “seminar room.” Seminar meetings are not recorded.
  • Because this is a seminar room, other participants expect that you will engage the seminar fully, and will not engage in other tasks (like driving, cooking dinner, attending another meeting, etc.). If you have another obligation or another task that is more important or needs immediate attention, please prioritize that task and opt out from seminar attendance.