2024 WV Governor’s School of Entrepreneurship

2024 WVGSE | Empowering an Entrepreneurial Mindset

Welcome to the West Virginia Governor’s School of Entrepreneurship (GSE) landing page and informational resources website.  Please explore the various tab menus to find the information you are looking for, including vision, philosophy, program guide, packing lists, maps and travel info, and testimonials from GSE alumni.

The West Virginia Governor’s School of Entrepreneurship (GSE) empowers the imaginations of West Virginia students to behave, think, and act differently in reaction to the changing world.  Below are our core values that drive our philosophy, decisions, strategies, and tactics.

Entrepreneurship in Action.

GSE encourages student curiosity, passion, and energy and equips student creativity, problem-solving, critical thinking, and innovation.

Embracing Business Experimentation.

Failure is not a four-letter word (literally or figuratively); we encourage lot of small, low-risk experiments to yield low-risk failures for fast learning and fast pivoting.

Resourceful and Responsive.

In keeping with an entrepreneurial mindset and spirit, students learn resourcefulness, scrappiness, and flexibility.

GSE Weekly Schedule