

For additional questions, please contact WVGSE Dean 2024 Olen York (olen.york@marshall.edu) or 304-696-2636.


WVGSE 2023 Highlight Video


Student Testimony | WVGSE 2023 | Madeline Snyder


Student Testimony | WVGSE 2023 | Ram Bala


Student Testimony | WVGSE 2023 | Nathan Baldwin

Words from GSE Alumni

Hunter Wilkes (2022) – co-founder of Hear Hike LLC

“The WV Governor’s School of Entrepreneurship (GSE) is an incredible program that encourages and teaches young entrepreneurs.  Kids can work closely with experienced coaches and learn to build businesses from nothing.  The programs and ideas introduced by [administrators and faculty] such as design thinking [ ] teach useful skills and lessons, combined with the resources from the Lewis College of Business are optimal for the development of young entrepreneurs and their businesses.  The program itself involves knowledgeable speakers and great leadership and guidance [from the Dean and Faculty].  The individuals who devote their time to this program truly do make a special and unique opportunity to introduce and perpetuate the spirit of entrepreneurship.  The competition and its requirements for success lead to learning great skills such as networking, marketing, research, public speaking, and lead to many more chances to learn and improve in the future.  To anyone curious about business or entrepreneurship, I highly recommend this program and the lessons it will teach you.”