Disciplinary Action

Disciplinary Action

The Governor’s School for Entrepreneurship strives to provide and environment where students can grow and explore their ideas in a supportive space. Certain behavior is incompatible with the philosophy of GSE. As representatives of your schools, communities, counties, and the state of West Virginia, you are expected to be exemplary citizens.

All staff members are responsible for disciplinary action in response to misbehavior. In other words, every adult is the “boss.” There are three levels of discipline, determined by the nature,
frequency, or severity of the infraction:

  1. Verbal reprimand by staff with written notice to the Dean;
  2. Written warning by the Dean; Parent/Guardian will be notified, and;
  3. Dismissal from GSE.

The Dean, in consultation with the appropriate faculty, staff, and the State Director, will make final decisions regarding dismissal from GSE. Should a student be dismissed, the Dean will immediately contact the student’s parents or guardians. A student who has been dismissed must be picked up by a parent/guardian within 12 hours of dismissal. While waiting to be picked up, the student is no longer welcome to participate in GSE activities and will pack personal belongings under staff supervision.

Please note, a letter stating the reason for dismissal will be sent to the parent/guardian, high school principal, and county superintendent of schools. Be advised that Marshall University and the GSE will cooperate with all university, local, and state authorities regarding investigations or illegal activities.

Causes for Disciplinary Action

Students who leave campus without authorization, engage in activities threatening the safety of themselves or others including leaving assigned groups when off campus, or who violate the
tobacco, alcohol and controlled substance abuse rule will be dismissed immediately. There will be no second chances. Other reasons for dismissal include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Unexcused absence;
  • Disobeying visitation policies;
  • Unauthorized use of a vehicle or riding in a vehicle with an unauthorized person
  • Tampering with fire alarms or security systems;
  • Harassment/ bullying;
  • Failure to follow faculty, staff, or campus security’s directions;
  • Behavior unbecoming of a member of GSE