The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) ensures that students have certain rights regarding their educational records.  Under FERPA, the university may not disclose student records (except to Marshall officials who have a legitimate educational interest) without the student’s written consent.  For more details about FERPA, please refer to If you have questions about FERPA and the Proxy process, contact Kat Smith at

For more on FERPA, check out our FERPA 101 – A guide for parentsguardians and students!

Students who wish to give permission to parents or others to view their records may do so electronically by going through MyMU to MILO and completing the Proxy forms under the “Information Release” tab.

A proxy can be defined as a person who represents someone else. In this case, the person a student identifies as proxy, will have access to the academic records that the student specifies in our proxy system. This person will receive an email which will allow them to set up their own account to track the student’s records, and they can speak with a representative of the university about the student as long as they have a passphrase (established by the student and shared with the proxy). Students can change/delete a proxy at any time.

For more information about FERPA and Proxy set-up at Marshall University, please click here.