What are Panels?
For those who may be new to convention lingo, panels are generally discussion-based events that have a group made up of one or more participants that present on a prepared topic. These topics can span the entire realm of popular culture and may, or may not, include a moderator and/or audience participation. These panels can be academic in nature or may include live interactive activities such as “quick draw” drawing requests or author readings and other moderated discussions.
Panels are typically 50 minutes long, scheduled in a 60 minute time slot and suitable for an all-ages audience.
Our committee is looking for creative and original programming to feature in our panels. Any submitted panel is tentative until officially approved and you will be notified via email regarding your proposal. We are excited to review any and all panel submission but cannot guarantee programming.
The deadline for submitting a proposal will be February 17, and you will be notified of acceptance by Feb. 19.
If you have any questions, please contact Jillian Hovatter at hovatter6@marshall.edu
If you’re interested in hosting a panel, click here to propose your idea!
To see panels from Herdcon’s past, click here!