The Graduate Certificate is intended for students who wish to prepare for career opportunities in museums, historic homes, libraries, archives, state and national parks, and local, state, and federal governmental agencies.  The program is interdisciplinary. Students have an opportunity to take courses in such fields as anthropology, geography, history, journalism, and marketing.

Standard Time to Completion: 3-4 semesters (18 months to 2 years).

Do you have questions?  Contact Dr. Dan Holbrook.


Certificate Application Essentials

How to apply:

  • Prospective  certificate-only students should apply for admission to Marshall University as a Certificate/Professional Development student and select the Public History Certificate on the application form.
  • Applicants should follow the admissions process described in the Graduate Catalog, or at the Graduate Admissions website at:
  • The admissions requirements are the same as for the History Master’s degree.
  • Students already enrolled in the History master’s program who wish to earn the certificate simultaneously can apply easily by submitting a Secondary Program Request Form
  • All materials should be submitted to the Graduate Admissions office.


Standard Time to Completion: 3-4 semesters (18 months to 2 years).

Curriculum: 6 courses | 18 credits

Required Courses

  • HST 537 Introduction to Public History
  • HST 640 Seminar in Archives and Special Collections
  • HST 680 Public History Internship (1-6 credits)

Choose Two

  • HST 524 U.S. Science and Technology
  • HST 538 Material Culture and History
  • HST 635 Oral/Local History Seminar

Choose One

  • HST 524 U.S. Science and Technology
  • HST 538 Material Culture and History
  • HST 635 Oral/Local History Seminar
  • ANT 567 Culture through Ethnography
  • GEO 506 Population Geography
  • JMC 575 Documentary Journalism.
  • MKT 511 Marketing and Management
  • SOC 615 Applied Demography
  • Special Topics in Graduate Humanities