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MUS142 Honors for Spring 2020 – Fine Arts (Core II, General Education)


Next semester, we will have one section of MUS142 (Music in Society) that will be taught as an honors course. The honors designation will not be applied before you would be registering for the course, so you will not see it course listed as MUS142H. Right now, the course is set as permission only. Therefore, you need to let the Honors College know that you intend to take the course. That’s what the link is for below. If you provide your information to the Honors College, we will provide you permission so that you can simply enroll yourself online. No slips for the Registrar required.

Use the link no later than Tuesday 05 November at 5 PM. Note that the list could be full much earlier, depending on demand. BEFORE providing your information, please make sure that you need Fine Arts in Core II and that this section will fit your intended schedule of courses for Spring 2020. You can easily see if you still need Fine Arts by checking DegreeWorks in your MyMU. The form will only accept 20 students as this is the cap for the course.

MUS 142 207 4061 Music in Society MWF, 11:00a – 11:50a


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