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Seminar Proposals for Fall 2020


The proposal deadline for seminars to be scheduled for Fall 2020 or later is Wednesday 29 January 2020. Seminar proposals are submitted online through forms found on the Teaching Honors page of the Honors College website at The Honors College provides faculty from across the University the opportunity to design and teach seminars on subjects that inspire them and that they may not have the opportunity to teach within their regular teaching duties. Faculty in our seminars will work with outstanding, highly-motivated students to actively explore a subject through an interdisciplinary approach. We believe the Honors College serves as an incubator for pedagogical exploration and innovation that enhances the quality of educational experiences across the University. Our relationship with those who teach for us is a collaborative partnership for a common good. As agreed to by Academic Affairs and the Provost, all teaching credits for our seminars, SCHs and FTEs, are credited to the faculty’s academic department.

Accepted seminar proposals are scheduled as Special Topics sections of HON 480, which serves as the core course of the Honors Curriculum. Proposals undergo review by the Honors College Curriculum and Policy Committee at least one semester prior to the semester in which an approved seminar will be offered. For faculty who have previously taught an approved section of HON 480, repeat applications and updated proposals are due the same day as new proposals. Updated proposals are required for seminars first taught three years ago or taught three times, whichever comes first. Details can be found on our website. Due dates are published each academic year on the Honors College Curriculum and Policy Committee page at




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