Honors College Data

Our Honors College Community

Honors College students are diverse in their talents, backgrounds, and ambitions. Together, they form a vibrant community committed to academic excellence and meaningful contributions to the world. We are growing. Going into Fall 2024, 280 high school students were admitted to the Honors College and we matriculated 83% of these students for a total incoming cohort of 230—a 15% increase over the previous year’s incoming cohort and the largest in our history.

  • Enrollment Trends: In Fall 2024, the Honors College welcomed its largest incoming class to date, with 230 students matriculating—a 15% increase from the previous year. This growth underscores the increasing appeal of the Honors College as a destination for high achieving, engaged students seeking a challenging and supportive academic environment. As the college expands, it remains committed to preserving the distinctive honors experience, ensuring students continue to benefit from small, discussion-based classes, integrative learning, and enriched co-curricular opportunities that define honors education at Marshall University.
  • Academic Excellence: With an average high school GPA of 4.22, our students demonstrate exceptional academic preparation. Our admitted student cohort in Fall 2024 boasted an average ACT score of 28 and SAT score of 1250, with 50% ranking in the top 10% of their high school class. Additionally, 10% of admitted students were valedictorians, underscoring the caliber of achievement our students bring to the Honors College.
  • Broad Interests: Students in the Honors College pursue a wide range of academic disciplines, with Biological Sciences leading at 18%. Engineering, Nursing, and Health Professions also attract a significant share of students, reflecting their commitment to addressing challenges in STEM and healthcare fields. At the same time, fields like Humanities, Business, and the Arts are well-represented, enriching the Honors College community with creative and analytical perspectives. This diversity of interests fosters an environment where interdisciplinary collaboration thrives, equipping students to tackle complex, real-world problems through innovative approaches.
  • Honors Success Metrics – Graduation, Retention, and Persistence Rates:
    • Four-Year Graduation Rate: Honors students graduate at more than twice the rate of their non-honors peers, with 66% completing their degrees in four years compared to 30% for non-honors students.
    • Freshman Retention Rate: Honors students are more likely to return for their sophomore year, with a 93% freshman retention rate compared to 72% for non-honors students.
    • Major Persistence: Honors students persist in their declared major at a rate of 72%, significantly higher than the 56% persistence rate for non-honors students.
  • Diverse Voices: With 70% of our students from West Virginia, we round our our community with 28% from across the United States and 2% from overseas, bringing a variety of perspectives to our campus. In addition, 14% of students identify as Non-White, with representation from Asian, Black, and multiracial backgrounds. This mix of regional and cultural diversity enriches classroom discussions and community engagement.
  • Future Leaders: Approximately 11% of our admitted students are selected through holistic admissions, highlighting the college’s commitment to welcoming individuals with unique skills, leadership potential, and a drive to make an impact. These students often bring non-traditional strengths and experiences that enhance our community.