After their first semester at Marshall, honors advising is an opportunity for students to meet with advisors in the College each semester to discuss, primarily, current options for fulfilling the requirement that students complete upper-division seminars and/or experiential and collaborative courses as part of the Honors Curriculum. Second-year students, while completing HON 200, would normally receive their first invitation to set-up an Honors Advising appointment as this course is treated as a sort of “gateway” to the upper-division courses. Each semester there are several interdisciplinary seminars offered through the College by outstanding faculty from across the University. Enrollment is by permission only and must be arranged in an honors advising appointment. These appointments also allow the College to continue to check-in with students along the way and for them to ask honors-related questions. Honors advising begins after the coming semester schedule is released and goes “live” for students. The appointment scheduling links will open in advance of Priority Registration so that you can meet with an honors advisor and complete your schedule for honors before this registration begins. Sessions are booked by students according to a rolling invitation (based on total student credit hours earned as seen below) and are 15 minute appointments. Details on the dates for when email invitations will be sent are seen below.
Spring 2025 appointment invitation (for Fall 2025 course registration):
Honors Advising appointments will take place Wednesday 26 March through Friday 28 March
- Students w/ 75+ earned hours will receive their invitations to make their appointment on Wednesday
- Students w/ 45-74 earned hours will receive their invitations to make their appointment on Thursday
- Students w/ 44 earned hours or less will receive their invitations to make their appointment on Friday
After you have received your invitation to schedule an appointment, use the links below to find a time that works for you.
Priority registration for Fall 2025 will be Thursday and Friday 03-04 April.
Need a refresher of our curricular requirements?
Schedule an Advising Appointment
These appointments are not intended for first-year students who are advised separately in the fall prior to when they register for their first spring semester. Appointments will become available through links below after an invitation to make an appointment is sent from the Honors College to eligible honors students.
Please schedule your appointment through one of the links below ONLY AFTER you’ve received your invitation to make an appointment.
Heather Brooks, Honors College Advisor
Mary Beth Ferda, Director of Student Engagement and Community Outreach
Heather Smith, Program Manager of the Office of National Scholarships
Go here for information on Priority Registration.