About the HR Team
We are committed to providing efficient, customer-focused, and value-adding services to the employees, applicants for employment, and other customers and stakeholders at Marshall University and the Marshall University Research Corporation. We welcome visits, phone calls, paper mail, or e-mails from employees, applicants for employment, and other stakeholders.
Meet our Staff
Bruce Felder, MS, SPHR
Chief Talent and Culture Officer
Office – Old Main, 207
Telephone – 304-696-3983
E-mail: felder1@marshall.edu
Areas of Responsibility
- HR Oversight
- HR Strategic Plan
- HR Procedures
- Disciplinary Action
Mary Chapman, MA, PHR, CCA
Assistant Director
Office: Old Main 207
Telephone: 304-696-2595
E-mail: chapmanm@marshall.edu
Areas of Responsibility
- Classification & Compensation
- HR Operations
- Position Management
- Length of Service
Judy Clark
Human Resources Representative Sr.
Office: Old Main 207
Telephone: 304-696-6253
E-mail: clarkj@marshall.edu
Areas of Responsibility
- PARs
- Workflows
- Employee of the Month
- Emeritus Status
Kassandra Contreras, MSHRM
Human Resources Representative
Office: Old Main 207
Telephone: 304-696-2931
E-mail: contreras2@marshall.edu
Areas of Responsibility
- Employee Processing
- I-9s/E-verify
- Business Partners
- Onboarding
- Notary Public
Meg Cyrus
Human Resources Representative
Office: Old Main 207
Telephone: 304-696-2592
E-mail: atkinso1@marshall.edu
Areas of Responsibility
- Onboarding
- PeopleAdmin
- Performance Evaluations
- Recruiting
- Search Committee Training
- Strategic Hiring Committee
- Verification of Employment
Lisa Henry, BBA, PHR
Human Resources Representative Sr.
Office: Old Main 207
Telephone: 304-696-6240
E-mail: henry29@marshall.edu
Areas of Responsibility
- Affordable Care Act
- Benefit Deductions
- Benefit related training
- Benefits Coordinator
- Child Support & Social Security Verifications
- Tuition Waivers – Employees and Dependents
- Liaison for PEIA, FBMC, TIAA, The Standard
- Resignation or Retirement
- Terminal Leave Calculations
- Workers Compensation
Spencer Lupashunski, MSHRM
HR Assistant III
Office: Old Main 207
Email: lupashunski@marshall.edu
Areas of Responsibility
- Employee Processing
- I-9s/E-verify
- Business Partners
- Onboarding
Kelly Marcum, PHR, SHRM-CP
Assistant Director – Employee Relations
Office: Old Main 207
Telephone: 304-696-2932
E-mail: murphy14@marshall.edu
Areas of Responsibility
- Disciplinary Process
- Employee Relations
- Employee Engagement
- Grievance Process
- OSHA Report
- Policies & Procedures
- Workplace Accommodations
- Workplace Injury/Illness
Sherry McDavid
HR Assistant III
Office: Old Main 207
Telephone: 304-696-6455
Email: mcdavids@marshall.edu
Areas of Responsibility
- Employee Processing
- I-9s/E-verify
- Business Partners
- Onboarding
Teresa McSweeney, MSHRM
Human Resources Representative
Office: Old Main 207
Telephone: 304-696-3228
E-mail: hardest4@marshall.edu
Areas of Responsibility
- Affordable Care Act
- Benefit Deductions
- Benefit related training
- Benefits Coordinator
- Child Support & Social Security Verifications
- Tuition Waivers – Employees and Dependents
- Liaison for PEIA, FBMC, TIAA, The Standard
- Resignation or Retirement
- Terminal Leave Calculations
- Workers Compensation
Erica Thomas, MS
HRIS Manager
Office: Old Main 207
Telephone: 304-696-3406
E-mail: ooten4@marshall.edu
Areas of Responsibility
- IT
- Banner
- PeopleAdmin/Recruitment
- Reports
- HR Website
Areas of Responsibility
- New Employee Orientation
- Onboarding
- PeopleAdmin
- Performance Evaluations
- Recruiting
- Search Committee Training
- Strategic Hiring Committee
- Verification of Employment