New Employee Onboarding Guide for Departmental Administrators

As a departmental Administrator, this checklist will help your new hire have the needed tools to begin in their new workplace.

Employees Prior to First Day

Background Checks

Please make sure HR is aware that your new hire has accepted the position so the background can be initiated. If your employee has accepted the position, please reply to the permission to hire email, and let us know to initiate the background check. The background check will be sent from Sterling Talent Solutions to the employee’s preferred email. The department will be notified of the completed background via email.

Personnel Action Request (PAR)

  • Staff – Human Resources will complete the PAR for new hires.
    • If a staff member is transferring or promoted, the employing department is responsible for the PAR.
    • Please note, the PAR may only be submitted once the permission to hire email has been sent.
  • Faculty – The employing department is responsible for completing the PAR.
    • New Hire PAR’s are done through Dynamic Forms. To access Dynamic Forms, go to myMU, click on “Forms and Resources” and click on the Dynamic Forms link.

Offer Letters

  • Staff Hires: HR Services will complete the offer letter and provide a copy of the letter to the employee. HR Services will maintain the original copy of the offer letter in the employee’s personnel file.
  • Faculty Hires: The department will complete the letter and send to Academic Affairs for approval. The original offer letter is maintained in the Academic Affairs Office.

Faculty Additional Forms

For additional information on faculty hires, please visit the Office of Academic Affairs website.

I9 Form

  • Your employees must complete and sign Section 1 of Form I-9 no later than their first day of employment but may complete Section 1 any time after they accept the job offer.
  • Note: We may review the employee’s document(s) and fully complete Section 2 at any time between the date the employee accepts the job offer and completes Section 1 to within three business days of the hire.
  • Employees may complete the I9 form in one of three ways:
  1. The new employee may bring their original, unexpired documents to our offices in Old Main, Room 207, and complete form I9 in person. The list of acceptable documents is found on page 2 here. If you are an employee of MURC and need to complete your I9, please contact Coria Kent at 304-696-6320 or
  2. The new employee may complete form I9 remotely. Instructions to complete the form in this manner can be found here.
  3. The I9 can be completed via I9 Everywhere. Please note there is a $10 fee associated with this charge that will be billed directly to the employing department. To utilize this choice, please email with the employee’s start date, preferred email address, and the employee’s cell phone number.

MU ID Numbers

If your new hire has had no previous affiliation with the university, please send them the New Employee Person Data Entry Form. This form will allow Human Resources to issue your new hire an MU ID number. Please send the form to and we will send you the employee’s MU ID number. If the new hire needs immediate access to their email, please let HR know and we can make the employee “in-process” and have their email set up by IT in 24 hours.

Campus ID

  • New employees can obtain a blue slip in Human Resources (Old Main, Room 207) to take to the Campus ID office (Drinko Library, Room 143) with another form of photo identification and obtain their university ID.
  • If you are on the South Charleston campus, you may have your photo taken at the library. The South Charleston Campus Library is open from Monday-Friday 9:00am -5:00 pm.
  • If you are off campus and need an ID, please contact the Campus ID office and they can send you a link so you may obtain an ID.


All employees must complete appropriate state and federal tax forms and pay options. To complete the needed forms, please ask the employee to visit the Payroll Office in Old Main, Room 203. If your employee is remote or unable to complete the forms in person, please ask them to email


Please note parking permits cannot be obtained until your Faculty/Staff ID has been issued. If your employee needs a parking permit, please ask them to visit the Bliss Charles Public Safety Building located at 1801 5th Avenue, Huntington, WV 25755. Information regarding parking permits can be found here.


All employees that have an FTE of. 53 or greater must be enrolled in a benefits session. Staff members are automatically enrolled in a benefits session, but new hire faculty will need to enroll in a session closest to the hire date here.

The benefits team will reach out to the employee and provide additional information about options for enrolling in benefits. If you have questions about enrolling in a benefits session, please email them at .

Office Supplies/Equipment


Please follow your current college guidelines for ordering computers.

Computer/Phone Reassignment

If you need to reassign a computer or phone, please visit the IT Full Self-Service Catalog for the correct electronic request form.

Office Space

To have an office space cleaned prior to your new member starting with the university, please submit an Online Work Order Request and include the date the work needs to be completed by.


If you need keys for a new hire, they can be requested on the Key Request Form.

Business Cards

Please visit the Marshall Brand Page.

Address/information Changes

Email Addresses

Once IT has issued an email address to the new employee, they may contact IT Service Desk to activate their email and set up their password.

Change of Address

  • If you have moved here from another area and now have a new address, it may be changed on the Employee Information Change Form. Please remember to choose “PR” which is your permanent address and “WP” which is your payroll address.
  • If you need to change your address with your benefit providers, please email and they will send you the required forms.
  • If you are dually employed with the School of Medicine, please update your address with Dayforce. Instructions are listed below: 
    • Please follow the instructions below to update your Address:
    • Login to Dayforce
    • Go to the Forms Page
    • Select the Address Form
    • Click Add and enter new address information
    • End the old address (DO NOT DELETE the old address just put an end date on it)
    • Submit the form (Note: your address will not immediately update in the system as this change requires an approval before writing to the system)
      • Note: If you are changing states, please be sure that you complete an updated State Tax form and send it to Payroll

To update your address with TIAA you will need to contact them directly

Banner Data/Information/Title Changes

Changes for Banner and Outlook are completed through the Banner Employee Data Corrections Form. There are three sections of data that HR updates:

  • Preferred First Name – display or preferred name.
  • Work Address/Phone Number – This form is to only request a correction to your work (WK) address or phone number.
  • Supervisor/Home Org – This is to request a correction to your supervisor/home org data in Banner. This form is not to be used to change your departmental organizational structure. It is for informational purposes only.

To make other name or address changes as listed below, please go to the Employee Information Change Form.

  • Legal Name Changes – Will require documents to be presented to the HR or Payroll Departments with the Name change form.
  • Permanent and Payroll Address Changes – These changes will be your home address where you would like to receive mail such as W2, pay information, benefits, etc.

Employees Prior to First Day

Banner, Finance, General Counsel, Human Resources, Information Technology, People Admin, and TCP Courses

Please visit the Training Schedule page here.

Health and Safety Trainings

Please contact Health and Safety at

Additional Access

MU BERT Access

Faculty are granted this access at the start of each semester. If staff needs access to BERT, the employee or their supervisor may request it here.

State Purchase Card (PCARD)

Once permission has been granted at the department level, please visit their page here. For other questions, please contact them at

Printable version

Office of the Obmuds

Marshall University’s Office of the Ombuds helps faculty and staff navigate processes and/or conflicts experienced  in the work environment.  Contact or schedule an appointment at:

Memorial Student Center BW14
(Walk-Ins Welcome)

Contact Us

207 Old Main
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755
304-696-6455 (Main)
304-696-6844 (Fax)
Departmental Contacts