New Employee Onboarding Guide for Supervisors

Congratulations on your new employee!

This information will help guide you through the on-boarding process as the supervisor.  MU strives to create a positive working experience where faculty and staff are informed and engaged and have strong working relationships with their manager/supervisor and employees. We feel that to have this positive experience, a successful on-boarding experience is essential.


Marshall needs to ensure new hires feel welcome, appreciated, and are able to develop a sense of purpose and belonging within the university and community. What’s at stake? According to Gallup, only 12% of US employees say their organization does a good job at onboarding.

Office of the Obmuds

Marshall University’s Office of the Ombuds helps faculty and staff navigate processes and/or conflicts experienced  in the work environment.  Contact or schedule an appointment at:

Memorial Student Center BW14
(Walk-Ins Welcome)

Contact Us

207 Old Main
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755
304-696-6455 (Main)
304-696-6844 (Fax)
Departmental Contacts