University Virtual Posting Board

University Virtual Posting Board

The university is required to have the following posters and notices on display in the workplace. We have created this virtual posting board to ensure that this information is available to all.  In addition to this website, many of these posters and notices should be conspicuously placed in our buildings.  Posting areas may include building entrance bulletin boards, in employee break rooms, and locations where individuals submit applications for employment. If you do not see these posters and notices conspicuously placed in your building, you may download and print the PDFs you need from required posting sections listed below.

Department of Labor regulations require that all employees be notified of the filing of an ETA9035 labor condition application (LCA) and H-1B petition. This notice is provided to fulfill the notice of filing requirement related to the filing of an LCA, a copy of which is attached hereto. This is not a job posting for an open position. This notice of filing is being posted physically at the HR Office and is also made available electronically to all university employees. Notice of Filing of A Labor Condition Application (LCA)

  • MURC Positions
    • No MURC positions at this time

The below notice(s) is being provided as a result of the anticipated filing of an Application for Permanent Employment Certification (ETA Form 9089). The employer [Marshall University] intends to permanently employ a foreign national in the job opportunity described below. This Notice of Filing will be posted between 30 and 180 days before filing the permanent labor certification application.

  • MU Positions
    • No MU positions listed at this time
  • MURC Positions
    • No MURC positions listed at this time

In order to help consumers make well-informed decisions about postsecondary education, Federal regulations require higher education institutions to disclose certain information.

Office of the Obmuds

Marshall University’s Office of the Ombuds helps faculty and staff navigate processes and/or conflicts experienced  in the work environment.  Contact or schedule an appointment at:

Memorial Student Center BW14
(Walk-Ins Welcome)

Contact Us

207 Old Main
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755
304-696-6455 (Main)
304-696-6844 (Fax)
Departmental Contacts