The Meaning Project

Would you like to tell your story? Email and we will give you a link to a site to upload footage.

Some formatting rules:

  1. Put your phone in landscape mode (wider than tall). This will make it look better on our YouTube channel.
  2. Please send one video with pauses between each of these three sections:
    a. Who are you?
    b. Where do you find meaning?
    – this should be 30 seconds or less, it will be extracted for an Instagram teaser.
    c. What is a story that illustrates B?
    – please keep it under 5 minutes. We have plans to do long-form interviews for an audio podcast, but right now brevity is the soul of wit.
  3. Speak from the heart!

We’ll take it from there. Thank you for sharing with the world how you find meaning.

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