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IT Update 10/23/15




IT Vision – including IT News & Alerts (Dr. Jan Fox) – Dr. Fox will give a general update on the IT Vision, major product roadmaps and demonstrate the new News and Alerts feature on the IT webpage.

Electronic Signature (Dr. Jan Fox) – Dr. Fox will also discuss the difference between electronic and digital signatures, the move to electronic forms of documentation and upcoming policy on this topic.

Skype for Business (Mike Adkins) – IT has launched Microsoft Skype for Business as our new unified communications solution.  Mike will give an update on the progress of the Skype for Business deployment.

Windows 10 (Allen Taylor) – Allen will give an update on the upcoming deployment plan for Windows 10.

New Apple & Microsoft Products (Allen Taylor) – Allen will also give an update on the newest released Apple and Microsoft Products.

New Process:  How to Request Purchase of New Computers (Jody Perry) – Jody will be discussing the procedure for new computer purchases.  There will be one purchase each quarter for large, bulk purchases.  Smaller orders can be made as needed but will be kept to a minimum and for extenuating circumstances.

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