Info Sec Alerts News Archive
A number of fradulent emails have been circulating with various subjects and senders, all with message bodies looking similar to the image below. Many accounts are continuing to be compromised. Please DO NOT CLICK any links in messages which look similar to the image below, or any other messages before verifying the sender, verifying the URL,
The IBM/SPSS software starts alerting our campus software users about the upcoming expiration 30-days in advance each time the application is launched. Marshall University users can ignore these alerts regarding our current SPSS license that has a renewal anniversary date of 2/28/2018. The annual license renewal requisition process started several weeks ago and should be
This is an important computer security bulletin from Marshall University Information Technology team directed at Marshall University students, faculty and staff who own or use an Apple Macintosh computer. Apple has released a critical security update which should be applied to all computers which are running macOS High Sierra 10.13. Marshall University IT staff are
Recent Phishing Attacks Over the past several months, the Office of Information Technology has seen an influx of fraudulent “phishing” messages, many which appear urgent, and are designed to trick account holders into clicking a link (or in some cases, replying to an email) and providing a username and password. In most cases, these emails
MU WiFi is back up and functioning normally! We apologize for the inconvenience. If you encounter WiFi problems contact MUIT service desk,, 304-696-3200.
Marshall University Wireless Network services for the Huntington and Regional Campuses are currently offline. The current issue was reported earlier this morning. IT staff and management are working alongside Cisco, our wireless vendor, to resolve what is reported to be a technical issue in their product. We do not have an estimate at this time
One issue has been flagged regarding some email accounts are no longer able to send messages using the mail app. If you experience these problems please visit the Apple Support Page.
Computer Security Advisory for All University Faculty & Staff E-mail Recipients Starting last Friday (5/13/2017) computer security researchers and news media began sharing information about a new computer security attack called ‘WannaCry’. This attack is another variation of malicious software referred to as ‘ransomware’. When a computer becomes infected with ransomware, this malicious code attempts
Over the holiday break the IT Infrastructure Communications Team began upgrading the Wireless LAN Controllers and the radius authentication servers. Those upgrades were completed early this morning. Due to the nature of our authentication protocols you will now have to “accept” a new security certificate to connect to the WiFi network. During this upgrade the
The Marshall University campus Symantec Endpoint Protection Management (SEPM) Servers and Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) client install packages have been upgraded to version 12.1.7061.6600 (Windows/Mac/Linux). This Symantec provided update addresses Symantec Security Advisory SYM16-015 (client decomposer engine). This update provided client OS support for Mac OS 10.12 (Sierra). SEP client patches are being distributed via