Main Notices News Archive
If you received an email from MUIT regarding an external account being compromised, this is a legitimate email. Marshall University was not breached and did not share credentials or any other personal information. An external/non-Marshall site was breached where you set up an account using your MU email address. Since you used your MU email
Updates to your MU Alert information are not currently available at this time. You may manually subscribe by sending your MUID, Marshall E-mail and mobile/SMS number to For more information please visit The Marshall University Emergency Messaging System (MU Alert) is an opt-in service that allows the institution to quickly communicate health and safety-related emergency
Information Technology will be making changes to School of Medicine Office365 accounts over the next week. If you have an Office365 account with a mailbox as well as an Exchange mailbox, then our goal is to make it so that you will no longer have a separate inbox in Office365. Any email addressed to your
Marshall University Information Technology is applying a major upgrade to the email firewall service, called Barracuda Essentials, on Sunday, May 19, 2019. Barracuda Essentials provides advanced protection against fraudulent email for both Faculty/Staff email (on-premise Exchange) and Student email (Office365). It also provides security for outgoing mail to external sources, assisting in the discovery and
(Please don’t let this this be you.) The Marshall University Information Technology team have received a number of reports from faculty and staff who have been recipients of a new twist on an old e-mail scam. You may have heard of phishing before, but these scams are referred to as whaling. They use a “big
Even though most University services are closed due to inclement weather, the Drinko Study Center will remain open normal hours. The IT Service Desk will NOT have walk up service after 4:00 pm today and will resume normal services at 10:00 am tomorrow. Service Desk assistance will still be available via chat, email, and telephone.
Marshall University will be migrating all V: Drive storage to Microsoft OneDrive in the coming months. We will be creating V: Drive space for all new students for the 2019 spring term but will no longer provision V: Drive space for new users after February 2019. We are continuing through February to accommodate any faculty
Marshall University Information Technology has received the following from MatLab/MathWorks: “MathWorks recently introduced “Updates” available between the normal twice-yearly releases of MATLAB and Simulink. Each of these Updates contains a cumulative set of bug and security fixes that you can apply to an existing installation. Starting in R2018b, users will receive notification on the MATLAB
Live Chat with the IT Service Desk is temporarily down. However, you can still reach them via email (, telephone (304-696-3200), or stop in to see them on the 1st floor of Drinko Library.
As part of our effort to bring a unified Single Sign On (SSO) experience to more of MUIT services, we are preparing to migrate to a new Shibboleth Identity Provider (IDP) server that will allow us to integrate with Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS). Once this migration is complete, those attempting to log-in to services