Main News News Archive
Update: 02/05/21 On Sunday morning, February 7th, 2021, MUIT will switch to the new 903 prefix on newly generated ID numbers. Any students admitted or employees hired after the change will have the new prefix. No existing Student ID or Employee ID numbers will be changing. From Sunday moving forward, try to refrain from asking for
Important update for all active Marshall University e-mail accountholders including students, faculty, staff (MU, SOM, and Marshall Health) and Alumni. Marshall University Information Technology will introduce an updated e-mail security solution provided by Microsoft in January 2021. In addition to anti-virus and anti-spam protection, the Microsoft Defender for Office 365 service improves security for both incoming and outgoing email. This
Beginning January 31, 2021, Marshall University will begin using a 903-xx-xxx sequence of numbers for identification (ID). This is for new assignments only; existing numbers will not change. All offices, departments and colleges should review their processes and procedures, including paper forms, to ensure compliance with this change. While this is a relatively minor change
The Marshall University Information Technology (IT) department is participating in National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) to raise awareness of Cybersecurity issues. Throughout the month of October, Marshall IT will be sharing information from the national campaign on their website and Twitter account and through newsletter articles following this year’s theme “If you Connect It,
Important Computer Security Reminder for All Marshall University Students, Faculty and Staff: Marshall University Campus network support will no longer be provided for computers with Microsoft Windows 7 operating system after January 14, 2020.* This notice is intended for Marshall University campus clients who are still using the Windows 7 operating system. Your cooperation is
This change will affect all Zoom users. Zoom will start requiring passcodes or waiting rooms for all Zoom meetings, beginning Sunday, September 27th, 2020. This change will affect all previously scheduled meetings if they do not currently have a passcode set or waiting room enabled. PLEASE NOTE: If you add Passcodes to an existing meeting,
This message to all students, faculty and staff has been approved by Jon B. Cutler, Chief Information Security Officer As we start the fall semester, we remind you of the important role which you have in the cyber security of Marshall University. Please review a few key steps listed below which you can take in
Notice to all students, faculty and staff who use Virtual Private Networking (VPN) services On Wednesday, September 30th, 2020, Marshall University will make an important change to the campus virtual private networking (VPN) service. If you use the Marshall VPN service, please read the following to ensure your continued ability to use VPN services after
Jacob Wheeler IT Consultant Sr. What degree do you hold? Associate in Computer Science Technology from Ohio University Southern Describe your role in MUIT in 10 words for less: Here to help people out. Favorite thing about working in IT or at MU: The pretty campus and the people. Favorite Restaurant in Huntington/Charleston area: Backyard
Beginning at 8:51am ET Zoom said it’s “received reports of users being unable to visit the Zoom website ( and unable to start and join Zoom Meetings and Webinars.” This outage is not specific to Marshall’s campuses. “We are currently investigating and will provide updates as we have them,” according to Zoom’s status page. For alternative