Main News News Archive

Updates to your MU Alert information are not currently available at this time. You may manually subscribe by sending your MUID, Marshall E-mail and mobile/SMS number to For more information please visit The Marshall University Emergency Messaging System (MU Alert) is an opt-in service that allows the institution to quickly communicate health and safety-related emergency

Alyssa Kozak – Broadcast Video Production Manager What degrees do you hold? Multimedia Journalism and Public Relations Describe your role in MUIT in 3 sentences or less: I am in charge of all the production of home athletics that we Live-stream through Herd Vision. Favorite thing about working in IT or at MU: I love

The article linked below talks more about the “mobile transaction experience for students on campus in every aspect of student life, including access to facilities and residence halls, and payments for dining, laundry, vending, retail, and more all from a smartphone or smart watch.” We are excited to be one of the early adopters offering

The location of the buttons used to report Spam and Not Spam has changed.

Over the next two months, Marshall University will be migrating all V: Drive storage to Microsoft OneDrive.  You will receive a completion status message from IT Announcements ( once your V: Drive has been fully migrated. Once migration is complete, you will be able to access the files you previously stored on your V: Drive

Krista McCallister  Electronic Media Technician, Sr.   What degree do you hold?  AAS – Administrative Executive Technology from Mountwest CTC BA – Information Assurance from Marshall University Describe your role in MUIT in 10 words for less: Management of electronic classroom equipment. Favorite thing about working in IT or at MU: There’s always something new

6/20/20:  As of 1:00 PM Lynda Campus is now available.  Please report any access issues to the IT Service Desk.   6/19/19:  Our Lynda Campus subscription is not currently available.  MUIT staff are investigating the problem and actively working to restore access.  We hope to have service restored soon.  Check back here for future updates. To

On Sunday morning, July 7th, during the maintenance window, MUIT will be enabling MFA on our Virtual Private Network (VPN) service.   Our records show you have enrolled in MFA.  Great Job!  You can now experience VPN with MFA as an early adopter by selecting “MU_Remote_AccessTest” from the dropdown list. Instructions for early adoption are

Marshall University Information Technology has updated our “Tech Tips” for 2019.

Congratulations to our own, Tony Brumfield, on being promoted to IT Infrastructure Engineer!