We Are…IT!!! News Archive

Alyssa Kozak – Broadcast Video Production Manager What degrees do you hold? Multimedia Journalism and Public Relations Describe your role in MUIT in 3 sentences or less: I am in charge of all the production of home athletics that we Live-stream through Herd Vision. Favorite thing about working in IT or at MU: I love

Krista McCallister  Electronic Media Technician, Sr.   What degree do you hold?  AAS – Administrative Executive Technology from Mountwest CTC BA – Information Assurance from Marshall University Describe your role in MUIT in 10 words for less: Management of electronic classroom equipment. Favorite thing about working in IT or at MU: There’s always something new

Congratulations to our own, Tony Brumfield, on being promoted to IT Infrastructure Engineer!

Peter Coffman  IT Consultant Sr.   What degree do you hold?  BS – Computer & Information Technology from Marshall University Describe your role in MUIT in 10 words for less: Service Desk technician Favorite thing about working in IT or at MU: I really enjoy the environment at Marshall and the people I work with.

Jennifer Chadwick  Systems Integration Specialist What degree do you hold?  BS – Integrated Science and Technology from MU Describe your role in MUIT in 10 words for less: Part of the Enterprise Apps / Business Analyst team. Favorite thing about working in IT or at MU: Being a daughter of Marshall, I feel like I’m

Cortney Hamons  Information Systems Specialist What degree do you hold?  Bachelors of Science in Digital Forensics and Information Assurance – Marshall University Describe your role in MUIT in 10 words for less: Assisting students and employees with technical issues Favorite thing about working in IT or at MU: Fun and friendly environment Favorite Restaurant in

Congratulations to our own, Travis Edmonds, on being promoted from IT Consultant Sr. to Applications Systems Analyst Programmer Senior!

Cody Hall IT Consultant Sr. What degrees do you hold? Bachelor of Science in Computer and Information Technology – Marshall University Describe your role in MUIT in 10 words for less: Assisting the Marshall community with their IT needs. Favorite thing about working in IT or at MU: Being apart of the Marshall Family! Favorite

Shahid Ali IT Systems Integration Specialist What degrees do you hold? Masters in Computer Science – Marshall University Bachelors in Information Technology – University of Pune (India) Describe your role in MUIT in 10 words for less: ERP focused responsibilities and develop programmatic solutions to complex enterprise problems. Favorite thing about working in IT or

Azyn Chahryar Office Administrator What degrees do you hold? BBA – Management Information Systems – Marshall University Describe your role in MUIT in 10 words for less: Lots of paperwork, plan IT events, graphic design, and photography Favorite thing about working in IT or at MU: The people are awesome! I’ve made some great friends